Chapter 19: Birthday

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Hey so my mom's birthday Sept. 10 so I made the exams happen on their birthday week.

XX Hokage Monument XX

Senpū and Naruto stood next to each other on their father's head as the gazed at the village below. They turned to each other and grinned before sitting down and pulling out two rice balls.

Naruto handed one to his brother and pulled the other close to him. Senpū mirrors the action and then lifted his hand, doing one hand seals.

Naruto watched as Senpū blew a small fire on both rice balls. Naruto smiled and blew it out in unison with his brother.

"To no more lonely years, nii-san."

The Uzumaki genin bit into their balls and hugged each other. Senpū stood up and grabbed Naruto hand pulling him up on shaky legs.

Both brothers moved to the edge of the fourth hokage's hair and closed their eyes, preparing to fall. Just as the boys fell forward, they were caught by multiple hands.

Senpū and Naruto gasped as they were thrown back into someone else and only saw a raised hand. SLAP!

Senpū and Naruto held their cheeks and held in the tears that threaten to fall. Senpū drew a kunai preparing to defend his brother from the drunk villagers though he didn't know how they knew they were here.

"Get away from us! We aren't demons!"

Two gasp traveled through the tense atmosphere making the Uzumaki boys to open their eyes slightly. Senpū squinted at the blurry people staring at him but raised an eyebrow at the strangers familiar appearances.

The first figure was obviously female with long red hair. She wore a green dress under a white apron. She had purple eyes which held a lot of knowledge, but also held sadness.

The second was male with spiked shoulder length hair with two bangs framing his face, similar to Takeru. He work the standard jōnin attire with the vest but in its place was a white cloak.

Naruto, the first to correct his vision, gasped in surprise. Senpū turned to Naruto with a frown evident on his face before focusing on the figures.

His eyes grew as well as he jumped up and hugged them. Naruto grinned and teared up as he joined the hug.


Senpū's mother frowned as she held both of her sons' cheeks and cried.

"Two handsome little baby boys. Don't worry about that now. How would you like to spend your birthday?"

Senpū looked at his little brother and nodded with a grin. They both turned to their parents and jumped into their arms.

"With you."

X Dango Restaurant X

Senpū and Naruto sat at the counter of the dango shop with their parents.

"Minato, can you believe that our sons grew up so well?"

Minato cupped his wife's cheek and laid a kiss onto her lips.

"Of course Kushina. Naruto seems to have taken after me but he acts like you."

Kushina nodded in agreement and crushed Minato's hand with a smile as they sat down next to their sons.

"Well Senpū has your personality and my looks, but I wonder if he likes his hair."

Minato chuckled at Kushina's insecurity about her hair but frowned when he again looked into Senpū's eye. He placed a hand on Senpū's head making the genin turn in confusion.

"Why is your eye a Rinnegan?"

Senpū swallowed the unknown lump in his throat and fought back the tidal wave of memories.

"Itachi Uchiha slaughtered the Uchiha clan except his brother and sister before placing Shisui Uchiha's sharingan in my eye."

Kushina gasped in surprise as she thought about her friend, Mikoto Uchiha. Minato nodded with closed eyes and hummed in thought.

Naruto looked between his parents and noticed them to be slightly transparent. Telling Senpū, he watched as his brother informed his parents.

Minato and Kushina chuckled and placed a hand on their sons' head, ruffling their hair.

"We are just fragments of chakra. We would only last so long...we just want you to know we love you, so don't give up. Now...wake up."

Senpū and Naruto raised an eyebrow but didn't get a chance to act when they were kissed on the head. Minato and Kushina began puffing up making the boys look back before they exploded into chakra.

X Hospital X

Naruto and Senpū snapped their eyes open with a gasp waking some of the occupants in the room. They sat up wincing slightly in pain as they identified the visitors.

It was their teammates and their classmates from the academy. Senpū began tearing up and jumped at them with a hug.

Naruto jumped with him making the genin fall backwards. The teens grinned at them for caring but frowned when ANBU appeared in the room.

"Attention genin...Uzu Hatake has been deemed MIA as of 3 hours ago. The Hokage has called for all available ninja to search the area around Konoha and where he was last seen."

The teens nodded and went to their chosen areas to search. Team Canon decided to work together to amend the mistrust from earlier.

Senpū walked to his sensei's last location and changed into a brown suit and trenchcoat with a matching hat. He had white gloves and black dress shoes. He held a pipe in his mouth.

Kiba stood next to Senpū in a dress shirt and a tie with black dress shoes and slacks. He placed glasses on his face and pulled out a pencil and pad.

Sai, a strange kid from their class, pulled out a book and began writing. He made a fake smile and began writing the events in multiple point of views.

Senpū and Kiba looked over to Sai and read the title of the book. Senpū blushed and walked away as Kiba laughed and followed.

"The Love of Senpū and Kiba: Uzu's Disappearance."

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