Chapter 16: Preliminary Exams

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XX Tower in Forest XX

Our main team stood with everyone else who had made it past the Forest of Death. Senpū looked around the room, ending his search around on Sasuke.

He frowned when he saw Sasuke grab his neck and whisper something to Sakura. Sasuke looked at Senpū with a frown and turned to the Hokage who began speaking.

"Since there are so many genin this year, we will be having a preliminary round. This is a one on one match which will be decided by the board behind me. You will fight to move onto the third round."

The genins moved onto either side of the room where the balconies were. The board was at the back of the room where a statue of a giant snake and an area where the Hokage watched.

The board activated as multiple images of genin flashed by, while everyone waited in anticipation. The board landed on Lee vs...Senpū.

Both opponents flipped on the ground and stood across from each other, shaking hands. With the signal to begin, Senpū and Lee flipped away from each other.

"Sen-chan, I know you're a girl, but that doesn't mean I'll go easy one you."

Senpū glared when people began laughing and swiped some blood down from his wrist to his shoulder. Using half of the ram seal, Senpū's arm became covered in smoke.

Everyone waited as the smoke cleared, revealing Senpū's arm covered in metal and a tantō. He dashed at Lee swinging his sword at Lee's waist.

Lee jump back using his chakra to stick to the walls, but flipped off when Senpū thrust his tantō into the wall.

Lee landed on the ground and jumped at Senpū, intent on a grappling move. Senpū had other ideas and summoned five clones.

Lee jumped back, dodging a slash from a clone while Senpū landed between them. Lee stood and waited, but seeing how Senpū wasn't moving he dashed forward.

Senpū smirked and dodged a kick before using the power behind it to throw Lee off balance. Lee flipped back and looked at the other clones who didn't move.

Senpū crossed his index and middle fingers in a cross. Lee prepared himself for anything and watched as Senpū did his jutsu.

"Kage Bunshin No Jutsu!"

Multiple clones of Senpū formed around Lee in multiple rows, though none of them moved.

Senpū moved silently in through the clones and dashed out when he was behind Lee. Lee spun with a roundhouse kick, breaking Senpū's arm through the plate.

'He knew my kicks were strong so he got those metals plates to lessen the damage to no luck.'

Lee grinned at Senpū, who grinned back, and threw Senpū back. Senpū slammed his tantō onto the ground and slid to a stop.

Lee ran Senpū with a punch, but Senpū moved his head to the side. Lee followed with a low kick, but Senpū step back just out of reach.

Lee's eyes widen and brought his hands up blocking a kick. Senpū spun around swinging his other leg, kicking Lee into a wall.

Lee groaned and opened his eyes, rolling out the way dodging Senpū's blade. Senpū watched as Lee threw down two smoke bombs.

The ninjas spectators could only see Senpū's clones around the smoke and the spark that flashed through the smoke.

Once the smoke cleared, they saw Senpū laying on the ground wounded. Lee appeared on the ceiling and looked at Gai who nodded.

Lee rolled up his leg warmers and pulled off the weights around his calves. He dropped them making a crater when they hit the ground.

"Sasuke, don't go."

Uzu grabbed Sasuke shoulder and arm, keeping him from ruining the fight. Sasuke glared and agreed, but planned to interfere should it go too far.

Lee appeared over Senpū with his leg raised and slammed it on Senpū's stomach. Senpū exploded into smoke, making everyone's eyes widen.

Lee looked around cautiously and had to move backward dodging a slash. Lee landed and squatted slightly building his chakra.

"First Gate: Gate of Opening. Open!"

A burst of chakra traveled throughout the room, making Senpū frown. Lee disappeared faster than ever, kicking Senpū making him explode in smoke again.

Lee recovered and smirked as an idea popped up in his head. Running around the ring of clones, Lee began hitting each one.

Senpū's eye widened and those who survived jumped up. Senpū and his four remaining clones stuck to the ceiling and ran through hand seals.

"Fire Style: Phoenix Flower
Water Style: Water Trumpet
Earth Style: Mud Dragon
Wind Style: Wind Cutter
Lightning Style: Lightning Senbon"

Multiple fireballs flew towards their target which were enhanced by the wind jutsu. An earth dragon head formed on the ceiling, shooting bullets of mud which were concealed by the current of water.

To top off the water-earth combination, lightning senbons entered the water giving it an electric taste. Both combined jutsus shot toward Lee who smiled.

"Gate of Healing: Open!"

The Hokage jumped up preparing to intercept the attack when Lee raised his palm. Energy built around the green genin who pulled his hand back and thrust it forward.

"Taijutsu Style: Tiger Palm"

A green and orange striped tiger made of energy shot from Lee's palm into the attack. With a explosion and several grunt and sparks of metal clashing, Senpū shot out the smoke bleeding from his eye.

Once the smoke cleared, Lee was found face down with the sleeve of his tracksuit with black flames. Medics rushed to both genin as some ran to put out the fire.

Just as Hayate, the exam instructor, was about to call a draw Senpū sat up holding his eye. Looking at the medics struggling to smother the fire, Senpū moved his hand as more blood flowed from the Sharingan.

The black flames seemed to diminish before Senpū looked toward Lee and smiled. Lee, though unconscious, smiled in agreement at the best fight they had so far.

"Senpū Uzumaki is the winner!"

No one cheered as everyone was still in shock at the match. Senpū slowly trudged up to the balcony but groaned in pain when Sasuke, Sakura, Naruto, Kiba, and Shikamaru hugged him.

Senpū moved out their arm range and looked at Gai who was staring at his student. The genin walked up to the green ninja and bowed in respect.

"Gai-sensei. You taught your student very well. Thank you for helping make the perfect rival for me."

Gai grinned and gave a thumbs up which Senpū mirrored. Everyone was unaware of Sasuke's clinched fist as he glared at Lee with hate filled eyes.

'You took my spot! Just wait! I'll kill you, Lee!'

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