Chapter 13: Begin the Exams

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XX Two weeks later XX

Senpū was not happy in the slightest. Now, you're probably like, "Well it's no surprise," but the reason is...kinda. Senpū was not happy because of Sasuke Uchiha.

It all started when Uzu gave Team 7 forms to enter the exam.
Senpū was minding his own business when Sasuke tapped him on the shoulder.

"Senpū...Can I see it?"

Senpū shut his eyes and turned towards his teammate. He pulled his fist back, punching Sasuke into a wall.


Sakura and Uzu yelled dashing to his aid. Sasuke groaned, gently brushing his team off and glanced at Senpū.

The team's eyes widened at the site in front of them. Senpū was crying, but his left eye was crying blood.

"Sen-kun?" Sakura moved towards him placing a hand on his shoulder.

Senpū shrugged it off and spun around to face Sasuke. As he spun, his hair moved slightly revealing his Sharingan.

"Don't ever ask me that again. You don't understand how much I hate this eye! Every day it's a reminder that I was too dumb to see that Itachi was evil!"

Senpū clinched his fist while his chakra began to seep out. It became bubbly, red, and hot enough to scorch the ground.

"Every day, I have to be constantly reminded of my mistake! D-do you think I w-w-would want...THIS!"

He pointed to his Sharingan which had changed to a Mangekyou. Senpū's teammates flinched at the eye while Uzu stood in front of them.

"Calm down Senpū! He didn't mean it like that."

Senpū glared as more bubbles formed and began to form a fox-like cloak. Whisker marks formed on his cheek and his other feature grew more.

"I'm tired of being calm! You just wait...Senpū Uzumaki will hit the Chūnin exams like a tsunami!"

Sasuke looked down in regret and walked away. Senpū jumped away towards the Hokage Monument.

"Senpū... I'll only say this once in a lifetime, but...I'm sorry."

Sasuke shut his eyes ignoring Uzu's calls and hearing Sakura yelling for Senpū.

XX Ninja Academy XX

Sakura smiled slightly as she waited for her teammate to show. She and Sasuke were nervous from the episode yesterday.

Senpū walked up to his team with a neutral face worn. He walked past them and pointed to the door, motioning them in.

"Let's go."

Sakura nodded and walked behind him with Sasuke behind her. The trio walked past a group of ninjas being blocked by two older ones.

"You babies won't last a minute in the exams. We're trying to help you."

Senpū rolled his eyes and walked up the steps letting his teammates handle the situation.

XX 3rd Floor XX

Sasuke and Sakura walked upstairs to find a boy with a bowl haircut, a tight green leotard with orange leg warmers, and bandages wrapped around his arms staring at Senpū.

Senpū, on the other hand, was blushing in embarrassment. This weirdo began professing his love to him, not realizing he's a boy.

"Sen-chan! Let me be your lover and protector!"

He began blowing kisses at Senpū making his eyebrow twitch in annoyance.

He dodged most of them, except his 'Youth Style: Kiss of Love!' It hit Senpū directly on the stomach, shooting him up and sending him spiraling into the ceiling.

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