Chapter 20: Investigation

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Quick AN: I'm sorry for taking forever. I'm almost done with this fanfiction and might make another...might. Anyway this story is in like a thousand POVs so be warned.

Senpū's POV

I stood in front of the outline of where we thought Uzu's feet would have been. I tapped my chin in thought as bubbles floated from my pipe.

Kiba stood next to me yelling about something so in an act of bravery, I listened. Best mistake of my life.

"-And another thing! I can't understand why there are outlines of Uzu's feet only. He didn't die so what is the reason. Then they aren't even the right size cause that there is the shape of a snake."

I looked at Kiba who seemed to be proud of MY discovery. I poked him one the nose and flicked his ear, shaking my head.

"Elementary, Kiba. That is obviously the shape of a worm."

Kiba rubbed his nose as his glared fixated on the outline.

"That is not a worm...It isn't even an outline...This is a real snake."

I tapped the snake with my foot and gasped when it threw up a scroll. I dove for the scroll to keep it from prying eyes as Kiba shook his head.

"If you want to know where the Whirlpool of the Leaf went talk to Madame Blossom and Mister Red Eyes. They most likely found some facts."

I jumped to my feet as Kiba stanched the scroll from me and read it.

"It's saying to go to Sakura and Sasuke."

I shake my head in disagreement before an idea pops in my head.

"I know... We need to go to Sasuke and Sakura!"

I ran off but looked back to find Kiba with a surprised face. I smirked proudly and picked Kiba up, placing him under my arm before running to our next destination.

"I know...My mind is just astounding...Don't worry, just keep trying."

Kiba's POV

'This boy is an idiot! He's more dumber than me.'

I looked at the back Senpū's head with a surprised face at his stupidity. I couldn't even move as he picked me up and dashed off to our next clue.

Sasuke's POV

I stood on a tree branch as I watched Naruto and Sakura talking secretively. Now, I could easily just use my sharingan to read their lips, but I promised on my honor as an Uchiha.

'This is so stupid. All I want to do is find our sensei and go train some more. Probably revise my schedule and-'

I was cut off by the pain of two people rushing and tackling me swiftly. I pried my eyes open once I hit ground and looked up to see Sakura strangling Kiba and Naruto sitting on Senpū.

"Get off of me! All the ramen you eat is going to your thighs! You weigh like a million pounds Naruto!"

Naruto pouted and looked away from Senpū with a embarrassed blush. 

" meee!"

I stood up and removed Sakura's grapples from Kiba's breathing tube with a chuckle. Kiba gasped for air and grabbed my shirt thanking me.

I scooted away from Kiba and helped Senpū up confused.

"Why did you two tackle me?"

Senpū brushed his clothes off and cleared his throat.

"I had determined by the scroll that we needed to come to you."

I listened as closely as I could while Senpū explained the scroll and what it read. Once he finished, I reached in my pocket and pulled out a scroll I found under a bush.


Senpū tapped his chin thinking as he red the scroll over and over again.

"Orochimaru...Orochimaru...Oro-chi-maru...What could this mean?"

I looked at Kiba with a raised eyebrow only to get shake of the head. I said "Oh" and whispered who Orochimaru was in Senpū's ear slowly.

"Of course!" Senpū yelled slamming his fist into hand making me jump.

I yelped when Senpū grabbed me and Kiba leaving Naruto and Sakura behind when he ran off.

Orochimaru's POV

I knew I only had a short time before Detective Senpū and Kiba would be stopping by. I ran through hands seal and used my transformation jutsu.

Senpū's POV

I blinked. I blinked again. And again. Then I squealed. I found a weird looking creature sitting in the middle of a feild next to Orochimaru's skin.

It was a puppy with the bottom portion of a snake making stars in my eyes. I looked at Kiba and Sasuke but turned away when I saw the look of disgust on their faces.

I shrugged my shoulders and  looked at the pup snake only to find it missing along with the snake man's skin. I looked around confused but caught the glimpse of Orochimaru getting away.

Kiba and Sasuke tried to go after him but I stopped them. 

"Don't....Just let him go. He'll be back." I walked back to the Hokage narrowing my eyes.

I summoned multiple clone and ordered them to run to the other searching ninjas while one stayed with me. I waited until the other ninja disappeared before sending the last clone to follow Orochimaru.

Normal POV

Orochimaru smirked and landed on a branch before blocking a kunai. He turned around and face Senpū who stood on another branch.

"The Rinnegan has come back to its new and true master." Orochimaru hissed out as a smug look appeared on his face.

Senpū blinked and appeared behind Orochimaru with a roundhouse kick to the head. Orochimaru ducked and performed a spin back kick launching Senpū through multiple trees.

Planning to finish, Orochimaru jumped forward with his kusanagi extending from his mouth. It impaled Senpū who poofed in an explosion of ice.

Orochimaru jumped back having to release his sword and growled. The genin had used a clone to trap his sword to leave him at a disadvantage.

Despite this, Orochimaru smirked and licked his lips before disappearing into the ground. 'Ku,ku,ku. Senpū and Sasuke will be mine soon enough. All it takes is a little edge.'


Senpū stood in front of the hokage as he examined the information collected. Sasuke, Kiba, Shikamaru, and Naruto stood around him quietly.

"I regret to inform you that the Whirlpool of the Leaf has been issued as KIA as of October 10. He held the will of fire strongly. As respect for him, I want my genin to fight hard in strong to protect Uzu's name." The Hokage stood as all bowed yelling, "Hai!"

Senpū nodded and body flickered away to his house with Naruto. Sasuke sighed and walked out with Kiba and Shikamaru.

Once all the ninja left, the Hokage placed his pipe in his mouth and frowned. He closed his eyes to take a deep breath and gazed out over the village.

"This is why I love being Hokage. Not just to insure the will of fire but the view of the village is terrific to say the least." The Hokage smilied  and turned back to his paperwork.

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