Chapter 15: Legendary Battle

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XX Forest of Death XX

Team 6 landed in a clearing with a river on the southern side and a tree hole on the northern.

Senpū and Sasuke dropped to their knees as they grabbed their necks. Sakura ran to the river, wetting two rags.

She ordered her teammates to lie under the tree as she treated their wounds.

Sakura watched as both genin laid on the ground as she caught a glimpse of strange symbols on their neck.

Sasuke's looked like three tomoes from the Sharingan. Senpū's liked like three arrow heads, forming a three point star.

Sakura sighed in exhaustion and decided to set some traps before falling asleep.

As if the gods were against her, three sound ninjas jumped into the clearing. Sakura drew a kunai prepared to protect her teammates.

The first sound-nin had long sleeves hiding his arms and bandages over his face except one of his black eyes.

He had gray camouflage pants tucked in ninja sandals. On his back was light brown fur similar to a turtle shell. This was Dosu.

The second sound-nin had spiky, black hair and dark eyes. He wore a beige shirt with two black stripes and three prints of the kanji for death down the front.

His forehead protector had an attached happuri under the cloth. On his hands were two small holes in his palms. This was Zaku.

The last ninja and only female had long black hair and black eyes. She had it tied with a purple ribbon and wore a green vest and gray camouflage pants. Her name was Kin.

Zaku smirked at the visibly exhausted kunoichi and raised a palm. Just as he was prepared to end her, Kin grabbed his arms and pushed them down.

Zaku frowned but allowed Kin to kill her. Kin smirked and appeared behind Sakura, grabbing her hair.

Sakura screamed in pain when Kin pulled her hair. Kin had to hold in a laugh when Sakura pulled out a kunai.

"The one thing I can't stand is when girls worry about looks more than skills. You're just a wannabe ninja."

Sakura smiled slightly and looked at the ground crying. Holding the kunai with both hands, Sakura held it in front if her.

"Y-You're right. I am just a wannabe ninja, but I only got this far relying on Sasuke and Senpū. No more, though... Now I'm gonna learn to walk with them, so then I can walk ahead."

Kin rolled her eyes and swung her kunai, only to be blocked by Sakura.

"I'm not gonna be killed by some arrogant pig. I will walk by my teammates and I'm not dying until then!"

Sakura spun around, kicking Kin into a tree. Zaku growled and raised his hands, sending a blast of sound waves.

Sakura put her hands up to block, making Zaku smirk. Sakura lowered her arms with hardened eyes before dashing at the sound-nin with three kunai in each hand.

Dosu intercepted Sakura's attack with a punch, activating his hidden gauntlets. Sakura stumbled from the punch, before straightening and watching both ninja.

'How does she not feel the effects from our sound jutsu?'

Sakura ran through hand seals and flipped over a sneak attack from Kin, bringing her hand to her mouth.

"Pain of Thousands Scream!"

Taking a deep breath, Sakura let out a loud scream, causing the ninja to hold their ears.

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