Extra Chapter 2

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Extra Chapter 2: Start of Shippuden

Takeru sat next to Yuzuha as they watched the sky together. Yuzuha sighed in contempt when she heard a familiar voice she hadn't heard in three years.

"It's great to be back!" Naruto yelled from atop a water tower and directly in view of Takeru and Yuzuha. They jumped up and ran over to their teammate in excitement, hopping across buildings.

"Naruto!" Takeru yelled and jumped into the air as the orange wearing ninja turned around. He caught Takeru but almost feel off in the process before Yuzuha rushed them too.

All three fell onto the ground in a thud before brushing themselves off as they stood up. They all grinned at each other and began walking down the street.

"So, how is the great Naruto Uzumaki, Future Hokage?" Takeru asked as he walked with his hand in his pockets. Naruto grinned at Takeru's usual sarcasm and placed his hands behind his head.

"I've been busy training with Ero-sennin." Naruto grinned.

"Well, we've been waiting for you to return before we became Chunins," Yuzuha explained as slipped her hands behind her.

Naruto frowned. He hadn't wanted his teammates to stop advancing in the ranks just because he left.

After Senpu's death and Sasuke's defection, Naruto needed time to think to himself away from everyone. When Jiraiya offered further training, he saw it as his get away from the reality.

"Plus, Yuzuha and Kiba started dating." Takeru cooed and nudged Naruto in the side. Naruto's eyes widened and looked at Yuzuha who blushed.

As they walked through the streets talking, they came upon Kiba and Akamaru. The Inuzuka frowned and turned to them trying to identify Naruto.

"Wow, Kiba. I can't believe Akamaru got so big!" Naruto yelled in excitement to see his growth.

"Naruto!" Kiba yelled and jumped up to properly greet him while Yuzuha went to sit on Akamaru. She was one of the few who he allowed to sit on him.

As Kiba and Naruto talked, Shino jumped out the tree near them. Naruto couldn't identify him probably due to the fact that they rarely saw his face.

Takeru smirked as Shino grew slightly depressed at him being unknown by Naruto, who seemed to recognize everyone else. Kiba climbed back on Akamaru as Yuzuha wrapped her arms around him.

"I would love to stay but I was looking for Yuzuha so we could go on a mission." Kiba saluted to his friend and Akamaru jumped away. Naruto and Takeru continued walking when Shikamaru and Choji walked over to them.

Shino had left to go attend to his beetles and their needs. Takeru shivered in hidden disgust and fear of Shino and his bugs.

Naruto chuckled to himself as he saw that Takeru was still afraid of bugs. He was glad something never changed but wish he could change some things.

As Shikamaru and Choji came closer, the Nara could see Naruto in deep thought and could feel his chakra getting more depressed. They hated to see Naruto like this and hated Sasuke more for causing it.

"Hey, Naruto." Shikamaru greeted his old friend while taking in his appearance. Choji waved to him and continued eating his chips.

They felt Naruto's chakra lighten up as they asked Naruto about how his trip was and what he learned. They hadn't seen each other in three years and they wanted to know as much as possible.

Just as Naruto was about to talk, Jiraiya appeared next to him. Everyone turned to listen to what the Sannin wanted.

"Tsunade wants to speak with Naruto and Takeru. Sakura will be joining you in the Hokage's office." Jiraiya said while placing a hand on the two specified ninja's shoulder and teleported away.

Hokage's Office

Jiraiya appeared with Naruto and Takeru in the Hokage's office as Sakura stood off to the side. Uzu entered after knocking and Tsunade turned to face everyone.

"I wanted to inform everyone here of something important," Tsunade said and sighed deeply. She was trying to think of a way to explain the situation to the ninja in her office.

"What's wrong, Baa-chan?" Naruto asked as Jiraiya moved behind Tsunade and placed a hand on her shoulder. She took a deep breath and looked directly into Naruto's eyes.

She knew it would affect him to most out of everyone in the room. She had called everyone else in as support for Naruto once he found out.

Jiraiya readied himself for if Naruto had an outburst and had Kakashi - who had retired from ANBU to become a Jounin - outside if Naruto got past. They were prepared for any scenario that could happen.

"Baa-chan? You're scaring me. Did something happen while I was away?! Did anyone die?!" Naruto began to panic and started grabbing his hair in an attempt to remain calm. Tsunade shot up out her seat which made Naruto freeze.

"For Kami's sake, no! It's actually the complete opposite. We had received reports from multiple teams that have been sent on missions that a figure appearing in their teens with long red hair had been seen." Tsunade paused and let Naruto digest the load of information.

"What's so important about that? Are they a threat?" Naruto asked, confused as to why his grandma wouldn't just say what she needed to. Despite the lack of the problem, everyone had pieced together who she was talking about and why they were here.

"We don't know if he is a threat but we can only assume one thing... It's your brother... Senpu." Tsunade finished and looked away at the blue eyes in front of her that held multiple emotions. Anger, sadness, hope, and joy all flowed through those eyes as he stood up straighter.

"Are you sure?" Naruto asked, not wanting to get his hopes up for nothing but some stranger. He had made that mistake before and it was awkward and saddening for everyone involved.

"That's where your mission comes in. I'm sending you along with Takeru, Sakura, and Uzu to investigate these appearances. Hopefully, you bring back good news. You can leave at any time you and your team are ready." Tsunade smiled sadly and dismissed those inside her office, "Good luck... Naruto."


Sasuke stood across from Kabuto with his sword drawn. There was a small speck of blood on it and Kabuto looked ready to fall.

"You've done well as always Sasuke. Maybe, next time, you can face me." Orochimaru hissed out satisfied at the Uchiha's training. Sasuke nodded slightly and placed his sword back in his sheath.

He began walking away back to his room to rest. Sasuke sighed once he entered his room and slid against the door.

Every since he defected to Oro form the leaf, he had been getting nightmare's of Senpu falling. He shivered at the thought of killing his best friend and stood up.

Stripping down to nothing, Sasuke climbed in his bed with his sword consealed inside his pillow. This way - if attacked - he could just swing the pillow which was now sharp enough to decapitate a man.

Sasuke laid back and shut his eyes ready to face the worries that sit in his dreams, waiting for the moment to strike. He faded into the sleep realm and along went everyone else.


"Senpu!" Naruto screamed along the edge of a cliff. Sasuke pulled him back but was met with a glare.

"Don't look at me like that?!" Sasuke yelled before he dropped to the ground with a dark thud. Naruto growled at Sasuke and turned to show Senpu's bloody face.

Bloody Senpu almost attacked Sasuke had a hand not grabbed him by the throat. The figure hung him over the cliff and dropped him.

The figure turned around to show a bigger image of Sasuke. Of course, this came with guaranteed mental problems.

"I'm sorry," Sasuke whispered and closed his eyes. Bloody Senpu burst into confetti and Naruto stood in front of Sasuke.

"We forgive you." Naruto and Senpu said before both turned to walk into a bright light.

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