Extra Chapter 3

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Extra Chapter 3: Brothers Fight

"Do we really have to fight?" Naruto asked his older brother hoping for a different answer despite first two times.

Senpu growled in his throat and glared at Naruto, "Naruto!"

Naruto sighed and nodded before the brothers took a deep breath and jump away. They threw a kunai at each other and waited for the weapons to meet.

A clink of the kunai meeting signaled the brothers to begin. Senpu and Naruto dashed at each other with a war cry.

Senpu ducked under the haymaker Naruto tried to use before jumping over a leg sweep. He spun in the air before heel stomping where Naruto was only for him to dodge.

"I'm bringing you back." Naruto yelled before running back at Senpu with a jumpkick.

Senpu caught the kick and threw him up into the air but jumped back when Naruto threw a kunai. Senpu frowned but ran to grab the kunai only for it to transform into a clone of Naruto.

He stumbled and leaned backwards to avoid an uppercut. Senpu jumped back to gain some distance from his brother and the clone.

They stood back to back with a grin before rushing Senpu. They began a barrage of punches and kicks as the other Uzumaki struggled to dodge them.

The clone thrust a kunai at Senpu's stomach but missed when he leaned back. He placed his hands on the ground before using his legs to place the clone in an arm lock.

Naruto jumped to save his clone but was too late as Senpu destroyed it with the kunai. Smoke covered Naruto's view and left him unable to block a kick to the face followed by another to the stomach.

Naruto tumbled across the ground before slamming into a tree, causing it to crack. He looked up to see Senpu slam his foot in another tree.

The tree fell before Senpu placed his hand on the broken area. His eyes grew before the tree flew toward Naruto.

The Uzumaki recovered and jumped onto the tree before drawing a kunai. He began running along the tree, cutting any branches in his way.

"Just come back!" Naruto screamed in irritation before rolling out the way of another tree falling.

"I said you have to force me back." Senpu reminded his brother while multiple clones walked out the forest.

Naruto growled and summoned the same amount of clones. They each charged of their own Senpu.

The original Senpu kneed Naruto in the face before kicking him in the chest. He rolled along the ground but wasn't able to recover before Senpu uppercut him.

The Uzumaki flipped in the air and corrected himself before summoning a clone. He used the clone to boost himself at his brother with a war cry.

Naruto tackled Senpu and created more clones to hold him down. He created a Rasengan and frowned.

"Senpu!" Naruto yelled and charged at his brother as fast as he could.

Like Senpu was gonna be hit with something that could destroy his body. He exhaled before his eyes snapped open and the clones were pushed away.

Naruto smirked and thrust his Rasengan forward before it began growing. Senpu shot his hand forward to block it before something unexpected occured.

Naruto stood wide-eyed as he felt a stinging sensation on his cheek. Next to him was a black rod that extended from Senpu's hand.

"What?" Naruto asked as he jumped away from the rod, "Where'd that come from?"

That's what Senpu wanted to know. He could feel it but it didn't hurt. It just extended from his arm.

"It doesn't hurt but," Senpu answered Naruto before relaxing his arm, "I can't feel it when it moves." The rod sunk back into Senpu's arm and the hole it came from closed, "Weird."

"Well, it's gone now!" Naruto called out and kicked Senpu in the chest before kicking him into the sky, "Let's start again!"

That was a little short that I've don't feel like continuing. I'm writing a new story about a child named Maru Uchiha who serves as the village's shadow. It's told through first person of if you're interested them look out for it.

Byes. ❤️

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