Chapter 5: Prankster

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The next morning, Senpu woke up realizing that he was late for his team meeting. He looked to find Naruto gone and sighed in annoyance.

'Idiot. Why didn't he wake me up?!' He thought while running out the door.

Senpu jumped off the stairs and body flickered to the training grounds. He appeared to find Sasuke and Sakura near the wooden post. Jumping up into his tree, Senpu fell asleep waiting for their sensei.


Senpu woke up to find himself in the forest clearing from before. He smiled to himself and walked to the cabin. Senpu entered and went towards the kitchen to find Kasai cooking a giant tiger, alive. Senpu sweatdropped but let her eat in peace. He walked back into the clearing and meditated.


Waking up in the real world, Senpu heard Sakura screaming that Uzu was late. He sighed at her ignorance and dropped down from his position.

"YOU'RE LATE TOO, BAKA!!" Sakura screamed.

Senpu glared at her and explained that he was in the tree the whole time.

"Yeah, right. If you were, Sasuke would have sensed you." Sakura said boldly.

He looked at Sasuke with a bored expression, but turned into a smirk when Senpu saw him fuming. Uzu sighed before telling the team that they had a mission.

Team 7 walked to the Hokage tower to find Naruto's team waiting. Naruto and Senpu smiled at each other before the older Uzumaki went to talk to Takeru.

"Hey, Takeru. How's it like working with Naruto and Yuzuha?" I said curiously.

Takeru smiled brightly, "It's awesome! Both are easy to get along with and we already have combat formations..." Senpu looked silently as he expressed his enjoyment.

After about 5 minutes of conversation, it was time for them to get their missions.

"I want a real mission, not these ones for academy students!" Naruto yelled.

Senpu hit him in the head, shocking everyone who knew him, and told him that he needs to start small. Naruto glared at Senpu who returned it. Everyone around was tense as they never saw the Senpu lay a hand on Naruto.

Naruto and Senpu continued glaring before both laughed, scaring the other occupants in the room. Senpu and Naruto summoned two clones each and told one of the two to practice jutsus. Senpu's other clone went with Naruto's team and vice versa. They nodded to each other and dragged their team out of the office.


After about an hour of making clones to help build a house, Senpu walked back to the hokage tower. Upon entering the room, Senpu walked up to Naruto and stabbed him in the stomach. Naruto fell before disappearing into smoke.

Everyone looked at Senpu before throwing kunais at him. He looked horrified before dodging most of them. One hit him and he exploded into water. The other teams looked confused before turning around to face Senpu.

"I'm just a clone. The real me is training with the real Naruto. Idiots." Senpu said before stabbing hinself, exploding into lightning.

The lightning traveled into the water electrocuted everyone. They exhaled a piff of smome before they jumped out the tower. They were going to get payback for this.

Senpu smiled tiredly, having used up a lot of chakra with all his clones. He looked at Naruto who had a terrified look on his face. He could sense the negative thoughts coming from his and Senpu's team, and the hokage.

Naruto told Senpu and they gulped. They knew they couldn't take on two jounins, a hokage, and four genins all together. Sakura and Takeru are the least dangerous but both are clever. Sasuke and Yuzuha are the twin prodigies. Jounins and the Hokage are out of the question.

Senpu grabbed Naruto's hand, threw an explosive kunai in the air, and body flickered both of them home. Naruto looked out the window to find the kunai explode into words saying, "The Pranksters of Konoha!"

Senpu smiled at him and he smiled back fox-like. They both changed into their night clothes, climbed in bed and slept. Senpu went to the clearing in the forest, walked in the cabin, and laid on top of Kasai.

"Goodnight, Kasai-sama." I said sleepily.

"Goodnight, Brat."

(A.N.: Senpū is 12, so he won't be doing 'the nasty' with Kasai)

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