Chapter 12: Training for Exams

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XX Konohagakure XX

After a week of D-rank mission for Team 7 and a week of faking injury for Senpū, they were excited for the Chūnin Exams. It was decided that the exams would be hosted in Konohagakure and the Sunakage would spectate.

"Well, after Senpū's faking," Uzu informed to which Senpū pouted, "You guys will have to train harder. Each will get a teacher that will best help you."

Just then three people appeared behind Uzu. The first was Might Guy, a man with a bowl cut, green spandex, and orange leg warmers. Around his waist, his headband on a red cloth. The second one was Inu wearing  the standard ANBU uniform with his dog mask. Lastly, the third one was Neko, a woman with purple hair. She also wore a ANBU attire and had a cat mask with three stripes on each side.

Uzu smirked, "Now to assign teachers...Inu and Sasuke to work on Ninjutsu, Sharingan, and Speed...Guy and Sakura to work on speed, endurance, and taijutsu...Neko and Senpū to work on taijutsu, kenjutsu, and speed."

"I'll teach you all how to do water walking before anything else to improve your Chakra control." Uzu smiled, grabbed everyone's shirt and skipped away happily.

Senpū sweatdropped and allowed himself to be dragged. Sakura yelped and held her hair up to keep it from getting dirty.

Sasuke glared while he struggled to get free. "Hey! We can walk!"

XX Training Ground 7 XX

Uzu appeared, genin in hand, to the edge of the lake that rested behind the grounds. He released his hostages, causing Senpū to wake up and stretch.

"How could you possibly fall asleep in under 2 minutes." Sakura questioned.

Senpū shrugged his shoulders and turned towards Uzu, who was beginning to explain how to water walk.

"So...the key to water walking is to make the water fear you then add chakra to your feet and walk." Uzu explained seriously.

Senpū rolled his eyes before placing his foot on the water. He placed the other foot on the water, only to splash into the lake.

"Ah! That's freaking cold!" Senpū screamed jumping out the water.

Sakura giggled before attempting to walk too.

In a similar fashion, Sakura fell in, but somehow kept her hair dry. "It is!"

Uzu sat smiling as Sasuke slowly attempted the exercise.

"Please Kami." Sasuke whispered only for him to fall in the water and screamed.

Sasuke resurfaced and glared at Senpū who was laughing and Sakura who was giggling.

"Ha! That was hilarious!" Senpū laughed only to stop as Sasuke splashed him with water.

Senpū glared, but stopped when he saw Sasuke laughing. Senpū swam towards Sasuke before pushing him underwater. Sasuke gasped before grabbing Senpū and bringing him down too.

Sakura laughed before becoming worried when her teammates didn't resurface.

"Uzu-sensei! They didn't come up!" Sakura yelled only to be silenced by Uzu's smirk.

"They're fine."

XX Underwater XX

Senpū and Sasuke stared at each other while they held their breath. Senpū moved through hand seals and concentrated his chakra into a cocoon of ice.

As the ice formed around them, the water slowly drained out. "Um...I-I was meaning to ask something." Sasuke stuttered. Senpū's head tilted to the side as his face had a confused look. "What?"

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