Chapter 17: Shipping

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The board flipped through the next group of genin and landed on two people. Yuzuha vs Takeru.

Takeru frowned and glanced at Yuzuha who winked and leaped over the balcony railing. Takeru rolled his eyes and walked down the steps.


Takeru looked at Yuzuha and nodded which was mimicked. Takeru drew six kunai as Yuzuha activated her sharingan.

Takeru threw three kunai behind Yuzuha into the wall and three on the wall behind him. Yuzuha, having thought it was an attack, dodged and ran through hand seals.

"Fire Style: Grand Fireball Jutsu"

A fireball, the size of a cottage, flew at Takeru slowly. Takeru smirked and threw a kunai in the ball of fire.

Said kunai burst straight through to Yuzuha who drew a kunai preparing to block. She gasped in surprised when a bright flash of pink forced her to close her eyes.

Takeru grinned as he teleported to the kunai on the wall, dodging the fireball. He dashed at his teammate with a fist drawn back and aimed for her temple.

Yuzuha rubbed her eyes out enough to see a blurred image of Takeru. She successfully caught Takeru's fist and threw him away.

Takeru turned in midair and flash through some hand seals. Inhaling deeply, Takeru clapped his hands together and formed a diamond out of them.

"Wind Style: Shell of the ball"

Takeru blew a giant ball of wind to Yuzuha who smirked, unmoving. Takeru shook his head in shame while pulling out two kunai.

Takeru smirked still using his jutsu and scratched the kunai together make a spark. Yuzuha's eyes widen substantially as her sharingan began picking up on the strands of ash in the wind.

Yuzuha jumped out just in time to avoid getting completely caught in the stream of fire. Takeru stopped his jutsu breathing heavily but was forced to dodge an explosive kunai.

Takeru dashed at Yuzuha and attempted a kick, which was blocked, and followed with a right hook. Yuzuha caught the hook and caught the other hand when it was thrown.

Takeru struggled to get away but Yuzuha twisted his wrist forcing him on his knees. Takeru, not knowing what to do, went off of instinct and headbutted Yuzuha.

Yuzuha released her teammate and stumbled back at the unexpected attack. Takeru rubbed his head and attacked Yuzuha with a leg sweep.

Yuzuha fell down and kicked Takeru in the chin making him yelp. She jumped up and rapidly punched Takeru in the stomach making him cough blood.

Yuzuha and a recovering Takeru glared at each other and stuck their tongue out. Both genin ran through their respective hand seals and smirked.

"Fire Style: Fire Dragon Jutsu"
"Wind Style: Shell of the dragon"

A dragon of fire and a dragon of wind and ash flew at each other as Takeru ignited his with the kunai spark. The two dragons fought for dominance and exploded and both genin landed on his knee.

Yuzuha panted heavily as she struggled to stand before canceling her sharingan to save chakra. Takeru frowned and stood slowly and he began building more chakra.

Yuzuha began walking to Takeru slowly with her fist drawn back. Takeru inhaled as he expanded before placing both hands on his stomach.

Just as Takeru pushed in his stomach sending a sphere of wind at Yuzuha, said genin decked Takeru with a chakra covered fist.

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