Chapter 1 (Heavily Edited)

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Welcome to "A Vampires World". I hope you enjoy it and thanks!
"Is the coast clear?" Malik asked.
Yami looked out into the silent night from where they were hiding.
"Yeah, looks like it's clear." Yami said.
They darted out from their hiding spots, using the shadows as cover. They were looking for poor humans to feed upon. They found a drunk couple wandering in an alleyway near them. The two attacked the couple and feasted. They laid them down once the were done. They quickly started making their way back to where they were hiding before. This has been their life for the past five years. It all started when Malik went missing one day. Since they were childhood friends, Yami looked for him only to meet the same fate. Now, most of their memories are blurry. The only thing they really remember is each other and their siblings. Yami was glad that he still had Malik. They were in this together. They got back to the place they were hiding and went in and fell asleep.
So was it any good or was it bad? Please tell me in the comments! Also vote for my story and thanks. See ya!

Edit: I didn't like this chapter very much, so I kinda rewrote the whole thing. Expect some of the other chapters (or all of them) to be edited.

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