Chapter 3 (Heavily Edited)

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Disclaimer: don't own Yugioh.
"He's beautiful!" Yugi said.
The vampire jumped down from the roof of the van and landed right in front of Yugi. Yugi stared into those eyes, lost in a trance.
"Yugi! Get back!" Tristan shouted.
Yugi snapped out of it jumped back before the vampire could grab him. Yugi took out his specially made katana that used his blood as power. Yugi went at the vampire, but the vampire dodged and went behind Yugi and kicked him into a tree. Yugi fell onto the ground, and he could hear footsteps coming towards him. Yugi cut his finger on the tip of his katana and let his blood run down it. He saw it glow and smiled. Once the footsteps were close enough, he swung and hit the vampire, and he heard a cry. He looked at the roof of the van again and saw another vampire, crying out.
The vampire looked at Yugi and, before Yugi could react, the vampire was behind him, holding him in a tight hug.
"You've asked for it!" The vampire said in Yugi's ear.
Next thing Yugi knew, he was experiencing a fiery pain, as two sharp fangs pierced his neck. Yugi started to freak out. He started struggling, trying to get out if his grasp, but he had become to weak. The vampire stopped drinking and threw Yugi onto the ground.
"Hope you enjoy your new life." The vampire said before vanishing.
The others,who had been knocked out by Yami, finally woke up. Ishizu saw Yugi laying on the ground and ran over to him.
"Yugi!" She shouted running towards him.
The others ran towards him and gasped when they saw how pale he was.
"We need to get him back to the base!" Tristan commanded.
They put him in the van, thinking that they could save him, not knowing that the Yugi they knew would be long gone, forever.............
Ooh! So exciting! So what do you think is gonna happen to little Yugi? And who are those two mystery vampires? Tell me what your answers are in the comments! Thanks!

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