Chapter 23

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"Yami? Yaaaaaami?"
Yami groaned and rolled over, rolling out of his bed. He yelled as he crashed onto the floor.
"Shit that hurt!!!" He shouted.
"Are you okay?" A voice said.
Yami looked up to see Lily looking down at him, her braids close to touching his face. Today she was dressed in black leather with a black hooded cloak on.
"Yeah, I'm fine!" Yami grumbled.
Yami stood up and went to his dresser, grabbing black leather pants and a black shirt.
"Could you please turn around?" Yami asked Lily.
She turned around and Yami took of his night clothes and put on his outfit.
"Okay, you can turn back around."
Lily turned around.
"So what did you need?" Yami asked.
"I found Yugi." Lily said.
Yami turned around quickly. He looked at her to see if she was serious.
"Where is he?" Yami asked.
"You have to find out yourself." Lily said, walking out of his room.
Yami sat on his bed and laid back down.
'We will find you Yugi.' Yami thought.
"Yugi!!!" The Queen yelled.
Yugi rushed into the throne room and bowed.
"Yes your Highness?"
"I want you to meet my best hunter." The Queen said.
A man step out from behind the throne and Yugi's eyes widened.
'No way!!!' Yugi thought.
"Meet Max, the werewolf." The Queen said.
'Lily's brother!' Yugi thought to himself.
Sorry if this chapter sucks! Please don't kill me! I'm just extremely tired and so I can write as well! Hope you enjoy the chapter! See ya!!!

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