day 7

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Disclaimer: don't own jack.
***********************************Yugi woke up the next morning to see Ishizu looking down at him, worry in her eyes.
"Yes Ishizu?" Yugi asked.
'His eyes are completely lilac.' Ishizu thought. "Its nothing. Just checking on you."
"Oh." Yugi said as he got up.
He went over to his computer and saw he had a message. It was from the creater of the Vampire Hunters, Seto Kaiba. Yugi groaned and clicked on it.

~Hello Yugi. I have decided to come for a visit. You better have those two vampires in the cells or I'll be replacing the whole team. Expect me in a week.~

Yugi sighed. Of course Kaiba knew about those two vampires. He knew everything, except for Yugi changing into a vampire.
"We are going to catch those two vampires tonight." Yugi said, standing up.
Ishizu looked at him with a stunned look.
"Yes, tonight."
Yugi walked out of the room, leaving a stunned Ishizu in the room.
~~~~~~~~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Yami stretched and woke up Malik.
"Its nighttime. Let's get going." Yami whispered.
They both crawled out of their home and went to hunt. Then it happened. A bright light hit them and six people surrounded them. The shortest one walked up to them.
"We don't want to fight. Please come with is peacefully."
The vampires looked at each other. That was the boy Yami had bit. They got into a fighting stance.
"Ok. We'll do this the hard way."
The others got out their weapons and Yugi got out his specially designed sword. Yami was the first one to attack. He ran behind Ishizu and hit her in the back of the neck. Ishizu fell to the ground. Malik then took out Joey and Marik. Yami keep kicked Tristan into a tree and Hindo into the ground. Only Ryou and Yugi were left.
"Only you two left?" Yami said looking at them, his eyes glowing crimson.
Yugi looked at Ryou, who was taking out his contacts to reveal his crimson eyes. Yugi did the same.
"Yugi. Your eyes have more red in them." Ryou said.
"What?" Yugi hissed.
"It means your becoming more of a vampire. The cravings will start soon. As in tonight." Ryou said.
Yugi looked surprised, but quickly shook it off. The two vampires looked ready to kill. Then Malik went at Ryou. Ryou jumped back fast and was suddenly behind Malik, slamming him into the ground. Yugi watched them when he suddenly heard something next to him. When he turned around, Yami was coming at him full speed. Yugi crossed his arms as a shield as when Yami threw a punch at him. Yugi slid back into a tree. He fell to the ground.
'Its hurts so bad.' Yugi thought as he tried to stand up.
"Yugi!" Ryou shouted.
Ryou kicked Malik into the air. Ryou jumped up and slammed his foot into Malik's back. Malik was sent flying into Yami. Ryou helped Yugi up by the time the two vampires stood up.
"You need blood." Ryou told Yugi.
Yugi realized that he was getting hungry. Yugi looked at Ryou with dim eyes. Ryou cut his wrist and let Yugi drink from there. Yugi got all his strength back and was ready to fight. The four got into fighting stances, ready to fight.
I'm gonna leave it here. Its 1:16 a.m. where I am right now, so I'm heading to bed. See ya!

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