Chapter 24

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The picture is what Max looks like.
Yugi couldn't believe his eyes. It was Lily's brother, Max. Yugi though Max was dead.
"Hello Yugi." Max said.
Yugi only stood up and bowed. He took off in a hurry. He knew the queen was after his friends.
'What am I going to do?' Yugi thought, leaning against a wall.
Just then, a sharp pain was sent through his stomach. His hunger was back. He bit his bottom lip with his fangs and drank the blood that came from his lip. It wouldn't hold for a long time, but it would for at least the rest of the day.
'I hate this. I wish I had never gotten into this situation!' Yugi thought as he slammed his first into the wall.
He was tired of being held captive in this place. He was going to get out, no matter the risks or consequences.
Yami was at the computer looking for the castle when he finally found it. Everyone was out or taking a nap, so he decided to sneak out. He got to the motorcycles when a voice was heard behind him.
"Going somewhere?"
Yami looked behind him to see Seto with Bakura.
"To save Yugi." Yami said, slipping on a helmet.
"Not without us."
"You two are too badly hurt." Yami said.
Seto grabbed Yami by his wrist and forced Yami to look inside Seto's icy blue eye's.
"I'm not letting you go alone." Seto said in a very stern voice.
"Fine. Just don't get too badly hurt." Yami said.
He pulled away from Seto and climbed on his motorcycle. They all left finally and headed towards the castle.
'I told you we'd come save you Yugi. Just wait a bit longer.' Yami thought as they neared the forest.
Sorry if it is boring, but it should be much more exciting in the next chapter. Until then, SEE YA!!!

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