Chapter 12

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'Joey's acting strange.' Kaiba thought as he chased Joey down.
He finally caught up to him. He was in his room, laying on his back on his bed. Kaiba walked in, making Joey bolt up.
"Why'd you run like that puppy?" Kaiba asked.
Joey's whole face was suddenly covered in a blush.
"Well you" Joey couldn't think of what to say.
"Yes? Spit it out puppy!" Kaiba commanded.
"I LOVE YOU!!!!!!" Joey shouted.
Kaiba got a shocked look on his face. He couldn't believe what Joey just said. For years he's been afraid to say anything. He was afraid Joey wouldn't accept him. He simply walked over and pushed Joey's back onto the bed.
"K-Kaiba!" Joey said surprised.
"Call me Seto."
Kaiba then crawled on top of Joey. He bent down and kissed Joey. Joey was surprised, but soon he deepened the kiss. Kaiba rubbed his tongue against  bottom of Joey's lip, asking for entrance. Joey gladly let him in. Kaiba began exploring the inside of Joey's cavern. Kaiba soon broke the kiss. He then nibbled the top of Joey's earlobe. Joey let out a little whimper. Kaiba then started kissing Joey all the way down his neck. Then Kaiba couldn't help himself. He revealed his fangs and bit down hard into Joey's neck. Joey let out a yelp at the sudden pain.
"K-Kaiba. What are you doing?" Joey asked.
Kaiba looked Joey in the face, blood dribbling down his chin, his eyes now  glowing crimson.
"Claiming you as mine." Kaiba said.
Joey couldn't believe it. Kaiba is a vampire, but he didn't care. He still loves him even if he is one.
"I bet you think I'm a monster." Kaiba said.
"Never. I'll love you no matter what you are." Joey said.
Kaiba then took off Joey's shirt. He started trailing down his chest with kisses. He then latched onto one of Joey's buds and started sucking on it. Just then.....
"You two enjoying yourselves?" A tiny voice rang.
"Yug!" Joey shouted out.
Yugi was standing in the door way, laughing. Kaiba immediately got off of Joey, a blush starting. Joey quickly put on his shirt on, while Yugi continued to laugh. Yugi then left, leaving behind an embarrassed Kaiba and Joey.

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