Chapter 10

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'Well this awkward. ' Yugi thought.
Kaiba and the two vampires were looking at Yugi, who was shifting from foot to foot. He finally looked Kaiba in the eyes, which were now red.
"Why didn't you report that you were changing into a vampire?" Kaiba asked.
"I thought you'd kill me." Yugi said.
"No I wouldn't have. I'd actually help you through the process. Well know that I know, I guess I'll be staying longer than planned to help you." Kaiba said.
Ryou then walked in with his eyes closed. Yugi knew he must not have his contacts in.
"Ryou. You can open your eyes." Yugi said.
Ryou opened his eyes to expose beautiful pale red eyes. He looked at Kaiba and got a confused look on his face.
"Why does Kaiba have red eyes?" Ryou asked.
"Because I'm a vampire and I guess you are too." Kaiba said.
"Yes I am." Ryou said.
Just then, a white haired guy who looked like Ryou walked down there. He had a mean looking expression.
"What's taking so long Ryou?" He asked.
"Sorry Bakura. I didn't mean to keep you waiting." Ryou said.
Bakura just rolled his eyes which made Ryou laugh. Ryou gave Bakura a kiss on the lips, making Bakura blush. Bakura looked to the side trying to hide it.
"Ummm, is there something going on between you two?" Yugi asked.
"Oh yea. Yugi, I've been meaning to introduce you to my boyfriend, Bakura." Ryou said.
Yugi got a surprised look on his face.
"Boyfriend?!?!?!" Yugi said.
Ryou only nodded his head yes, a giant blush covering his whole face. Yugi just walked over to Ryou, patting him on the shoulder and giving him a huge smile.
"That's great!" Yugi said.
"Well I'm going to let these two out." Kaiba said.
He unlocked the cages and the two got out. Yugi couldn't help but stare at the one named Yami and Yami stared back. They just stayed there, staring into each other's eyes, both of their hearts fluttering and racing.
I finally put Bakura in and I finally made the love start between Yami and Yugi. Thank you all for supporting this story for that really makes me happy. You guys are amazing.

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