She's a little Different [Part 5]

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Harry had been messaging me non-stop all day and Louis had tried after school and before the game as well. It was no use though because I wasn't going to answer them. Right now I felt lower than lower; shittier than shit and I wanted to deal with this alone. I told mum I was going to the game tonight -which I wasn't- and she took the opportunity to get ready and go out herself.

To hold her back from enjoying herself because I was in a depressing mood wasn't fair.

"-so there's some pizza in the freezer that I have taken out. It's defrosting in the sink so just put it in the oven for thirty minutes whenever you're hungry."

"Ok." I answered, smiling weakly as she checked herself one last time in the mirror beside the front door. A knock then came on it and mum easily opened it to smile wide.

"Hello Harry." My eyes widened as I jumped up and ran up the stairs. Shutting my bedroom door and hiding myself under the bed, I hid silently in hope that he wouldn't find me. I knew he would if he looked hard enough so this feeble attempt to hide was useless.

A few minutes later, my bedroom door opened and I tensed as I watched his feet walk into my room.

"(Y/N) I know you're in here." His soft voice had me hide my face as I curled up tighter underneath my bed. The sound of my wardrobe creaked open before it closed seconds later. Then it went quiet as I hid my face in my hands. "I can see you baby." My eyes widened as I looked over to see Harry on his knees, staring at me with concern.

The look triggered something and I shook my head as my eyes blurred once again today.

"Come here." He reached his arm out as I shook my head again and turned my back to him. So with a sigh, I heard and soon felt his presence behind me under the bed. His long built arms wrapped around me as he hid me against his chest. "You didn't answer your texts or calls from me today." Shrugging, Harry rubbed my stomach as I softly cried into my hands. "What's going on (Y/N)?"

Deciding to just fess up and tell Harry as I would do anyway, I nodded and crawled forward until I was out from underneath my bed. Harry followed me and we both sat on the edge of the mattress; his eyes fixed on me as mine stared at my feet.

"I'm pathetic." I whispered after a few short moments. Harry pulled me into his side as I continued to cry into his jersey. Shit; looking at him, I saw that he was all dressed and ready for his game. Aside from his shoes though; he probably didn't want to rip up my carpet.

"You're not pathetic (Y/N). You're far from pathetic."

"I can't do anything right." Giving into my friend, I wrapped my arms around his torso as he held me tight.

"Is this about Niall?"

"I-it's about everything," I blurted, "Niall won't ever like me because I'm a piece of shit. No wonder he likes Holly; she's fucking perfect Harry. God, I don't even know why you're friends with me. I don't deserve you and right now I just want to shrivel up and die." My crying became harder as Harry turned and lifted my face. His hands wiped away my tears as he stared at the mess I had made with myself.

"Niall would be lucky if he ever got you baby. You're freaking perfect so don't ever think otherwise," I held his hands and buried my face into them, "if you want then forget about Niall. He's obviously not worth your time because any boy that makes you feel like this is not worth your time." I hated that he cared so much and I hated that I needed him more than he'll ever know. "If it helps," He shrugged and gave a weak smile, "I know Louis likes you." My eyes widened as Harry smiled and brought our foreheads together. "He would always talk about you when you weren't around."

"O-oh." Was the only thing I could muster.

"Come to the game tonight." He whispered as I closed my eyes and relaxed against Harry. "If not for Niall then for me; for Louis. We can come straight back here if you want." Thinking it over, I sat up properly and wiped my booger and tear covered face.

"W-what about Holly's party?" Harry scoffed and waved it off.

"You think I want to go to a party and get hit on all night by a girl that wants my dick?" A few chuckles had escaped my lips and Harry smiled at the ability to make me smile. He had won me over; so I stood up and went to find some decent clothes to wear tonight for my appearance.


It was surprising to say that Louis was right; I did get free food. Harry was more than happy to pay for my two dogs, four bags of chips and my two bottles of coke.

Hey, nobody said feeding me was easy. I even fail to feed myself sometimes.

There was a close spot in the stadium behind the team where people like the coaches and family members sat. I was situated there giving me the perfect view of the game but also the fucking perfect view of the team.

And Niall Horan.

He stood in a circle with the rest of the team as Harry -the captain- gave pep talk to his mates. Once they had finished, they all cried out their team name. Harry snuck a whisper to Louis who then looked up at the seats to find me. He smiled wide and waved like an idiot as I sipped my drink waving back. Both teams -also a quest team that represented three schools over or something- ran onto the field.

"Go Harry!" I heard and looked back to see Holly clasp her hands together and watch him in awe. Rolling my eyes, I sat back and grumbled while eating at my fattening food.

I will forever have more chance of getting his dick than she ever will. And that's just sad because I would never want his dick.

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