Fake [Part 3]

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The next morning I had woken up to a pleasant surprise. Well two to be exact. One was to find that Niall had gotten up earlier than me to cook pancakes and the other was to find Sophia and Liam had come over.

And Niall didn't wake me while all this happened.

So now I sat on the kitchen bench stool, eating the left over stack of pancakes with Sophia beside me.

"-so do you believe me?"

"No." I stabbed my fork into the last pancake and shoved it in my mouth. Sophia was trying to convince me about the whole 'Niall is secretly in love with me but is to scared to say' situation.

"Why not?"

"Because if he loves me than it would be obvious."

"It is to everyone but you (Y/N)!"

"What's obvious?" Niall's voice entered our conversation before arms dud when they wrapped around me.

"Why so close Horan?" I asked as he kissed my cheek and tightened his arms around me.

"Did you like my pancakes?" Huffing, I glanced back to see Liam enter the room holding a phone up to record us. So this was why Niall was close.

"You didn't wake me up early enough." My pouting had Niall chuckle as he peppered kisses up to my cheek.

"Get in there mate." Liam whispered playfully as I smiled confused at the camera.

"Babe," Niall turned my cheek and connected our lips as I stiffened. My boyfriends hands rubbed my sides before he slowly pulled away.


"I love you." The words caught me off guard.

Did he say that? Did he really just say that? Holy shit.

Capturing my lips in a quick kiss, he leant his arms forward and nibbled at my food.

"That's a wrap!" Liam yelled looking down at our recorded video. My eyes met Sophia's and it was obvious that she was thinking the same as me.

What the fuck just happened.

"Excuse me." I pushed Niall off and practically ran out of the room. Coming into mine, I slammed mine shut and paced forward.

He's never been that loving before. That's the first time he's said that and I honestly don't know how to take it.

It doesn't mean anything. They're just empty words and it hurts me that he just threw them around.

We're friends. That's all we'll ever be. So why the hell did he pull that unnecessary card out?

A few knocks came onto my door and I stopped to regain my regular breathing.


Footsteps came into my room as my door swiftly open and shut again. There was two of us in here now but we were surrounded by nothing but short silence.

Sitting at the edge of my bed, I rubbed a hand over my face before looking down at the floor. A body crouched down in front of mine and I looked up to see Niall watch me with furrowed eyebrows.

"What's wrong?" His hand leant out to grab mine but I pulled away. He flinched back with a hurt expression as I shook my head and turned to my side.

"Why did you sat it?" My hoarse voice croaked out. Niall shook his head confused from the corner of my eye and moved himself beside me.

"Do what darlin? You know I wouldn't do anything to hurt you." His soft words sincere yet I still had a tugging on my insides.

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