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In this world, a lot of people feel vulnerable and useless. These are the feelings that burden us, and hold us back from our true potential. But like other emotions you feel, they are human, and they are what make you human. So it is only natural to feel sad, as it is definitely natural to feel happy.

A loud slam of the apartment door had you stop in your place, body still as you listened to the sounds outside the kitchen. There were deep grumbles coming from a male voice, followed by the rough sound of a bag being thrown harshly to the floor. You could only guess that Niall had arrived back, and that he was not happy.

Letting out a deep breath, you continued to stir meat through the Bolognese sauce. The stove you cooked on let out excess heat which would then be absorbed into the fan just above.

The grumbling from Niall you had heard earlier became clearer as the man himself stepped into the kitchen. You turned your head and watched as he swung open the fridge door a bit too forcefully, causing the glass bottle of water you had filled to fall out and smash. A small gasp came from you as you tried to realise what had just happened.

"Ah shit!" Niall yelled, like this was the last thing to just push him over the line.

Snapping back into reality, you were quick to turn the stove off and take the pan from the heat. And in moments, you had grabbed a tea towel and stepped over to Niall. He had knelt down to the floor, cursing under his breath as you kept your eyes to his face.

"It's ok Niall, I've got it." Niall brought his eyes back up to yours, anger very evident in them. But you were not scared, just concerned as to what had made Niall behave this way in the first place.

"It's not fucking ok. Everything today has not been fucking ok!" His tight fist slammed onto the floor, immediately earning a painful cry from the man. Your eyes widened as you stared at the glass piece now lodged into his skin.

Without a word, you took his wrist and pulled him up to his feet. The glass shards were spread across the floor, so you had to be careful when leading him over to the sink.

"In here," you gently placed Niall's hand into the sink, "I'll find a cloth to-"

"No." Niall shook his head, the veins in his neck popping out as he reached his other hand to the glass. "I brought this on myself. So I'm going to-ah!" He yelled, pulling the glass piece out and wrapping his fingers tightly around his wrist. The blood almost poured down to the metal sink, so you took that as the sign to turn on the tap.

"This might sting." One of your hands resided to his arm, rubbing it softly as the other coached it under the water. Niall restrained any curse with a grunt at the back of his throat, his face become redder by the minute.

What had put Niall so on edge? It was natural he had his moments, but not out of the blue. Something must have happened, and small events have built up this frustration from there.

"Niall, honey," he shook his head as his eyes narrowed as his hand, "is everything ok?"

"Do I fucking look ok (Your Name)?" He snapped at you, eyes piercing into your own. Though as soon as he realised what he had done, he let his expression drop. You were taken back for only a moment, but it only took that small moment for you to forgive him. He was under some kind of stress, and it was tightly wound up inside him. "No," he shook his head, "I'm in a shit mood."

You nodded your head, slowly removing his hand from the tap and wrapping the tea towel around his skin.

"I'll get the first aid kit. Don't move." Turning the tap off, you spun slowly on your heel and carefully stepped over to the particular high cabinet. Inside held the kit that you were looking for, and it wasn't long until you were back by Niall's side. "I'm just going to put a band aid over the cut. It's nothing to major."

Your calm voice remained as you tended to Niall, placing two large band aids over Niall's cut. Then disregarding the rubbish, you threw it away and put back the kit. Now, you had to deal with the spill next. First you would pick up the glass pieces, and then mop up the floor. Then once it dried, you'd sweep over the entire area, just in case you missed any sharp glass on the floor.

"How about you go have a nice, relaxing bath? I'll deal with things in here." You kept your eyes on the scene as Niall's sighed. His gaze softened at the side of your face before he shook his head.

"No." His unmarked hand softly took a hold of your arm, gaining your attention. "I made the mess. I'll help clean it up."

He was determined to fix the mess he had made, so you made the wise decision not to turn him down. And it was with two pair's of hands that the kitchen was quickly cleaned.

"Did something happen today?" You asked, coming to the microwave and taking out the spaghetti. An annoyed grunt came from Niall as he watched you serve up dinner on two plates. Just the sight of food had made him hungry, but he was still in a foul mood, so he pushed away the want.

"Everything happened. Nothing's been going to plan like I wanted. Every little thing that I had done would blow up in my face, like right now." He gestured to the now damp kitchen floor as you finished dishing up the food.

"Sometimes we have bad days," you pulled open the cutlery draw and put a fork into Niall's food. Then offering it to him, he slowly took it with a sigh, "but that's normal." Placing a kiss to his cheek, you took your own plate and led the two of you into the lounge room.

Niall became quiet as he simply followed you, sitting beside you silently on the couch and watching you fumble through the stations. And as usual, one of your hands took place on his knee as the other began into your food.

It amazed Niall sometimes, that you could deal with his unpredictable mood swings. And even in his built up state, he appreciated that more than you would know.

His cut hand lowered and held onto yours as he took hesitantly began into his food. It was still hot, and Niall was well aware, so he gave the food time to cool down. And as the both of you sat quietly on the lounge eating dinner, Niall found his temper to slowly lower, though it hadn't vanished completely.

"I'll take your plate." You offered, gesturing to Niall's now empty plate that was in need of washing. But he shook his head, putting it down beside him and tugging you towards his body. With a raised eyebrow, you also put your plate down. And Niall didn't hesitate to pull you onto his body.

Sometimes it was best for Niall to calm down if he had you with him. No words needed to be said, just having you against him helped his head clear.

Your arms wrapped around his neck as you nuzzled your face beside his. He dug his face into your neck and sighed, shutting his eyes and letting his body loosen up.

"No matter what, I'll always love you Niall Horan." Breathing beside his ear moments later, Niall couldn't help but twinge a small smile and kiss your cheek.

"And I love you baby girl." He did, and he meant it with every fibre in his being.


This was just an imagine to let you guys know that sometimes bad things happen in our lives, but it's ok. If we didn't have any bad to outweigh the good, then our lives wouldn't be balanced. Everything that happens is a gift or/and a lesson, and I hope in time, you will all remember that in sticky situations. x

- Mummy Nouis xxx

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