You're gonna miss me (Part 3)

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.___. Two months later .___.

(Niall's POV)

Everything in my life was miserable. I thought it would perk up and go back to normal since (Y/N) left, but it hasn't.

I thought I didn't need her. That if she was worth risking an affair for then she wouldn't mean much.

But I was wrong. So fucking wrong.

What the hell was I thinking? She's the love of my love. My rock. She's always been there to support me and my boys. Always defending me. Whispering her affection for me when I needed to hear it most.

And now she's gone.

And the only person I can blame for that is me.

Trust me, I've tried to blame that little -her name shall not be mentioned- affair I was having. I even called her up to yell at her once. But that didn't help.

I gave her false hope of being in a proper relationship. And it was my fault that I lost (Y/N).

And to torture me even worse about this whole thing, the boys and I are here in America to finish our last week of tour.

I'm so tired. So damn tired right now.

I've been itching to call (Y/N) countless times now; the boys encouraging me to. But does she really want to hear from me? Hear from the boy that broke her heart?

Shaking my head, I looked up from my phone to see an almost empty coffee shop. My order was still being made and if I stayed here another few minutes then somebody is bound to notice me.

Looking back at my phone with my Instagram -well... (Y/N)'s Instagram- open, I sighed and turned it off onto my screensaver.

"Hello." I heard a voice and looked up to see a woman. Her sunglasses sat against the bridge of her nose and her body was covered by the advert shelf between her and myself.

"Hey, can I grab a juice please? Apple if you have it." That voice... there's no way.

Stepping around the shelf, I went wide eyed to see that this woman before me was the person that I had fallen hopelessly in love with.

She always wore tights on lazy days and the way she held herself screamed (Y/N). It looks like she's trimmed her hair a bit though.

"(Y-Y/N)?" She shot her head back at me after exchanging dollar notes, before she visibly stiffened. God she was beautiful. She's always been beautiful. And I took that for granted.

Turning back to the counter silently, she gave a short thanks and took her juice. Her legs quickly carried her to the door though I, on instinct, ran after her.

She was here. Right in front of me. We could talk. We could sort this shit out.


"Don't!" She snapped and turned on her heel just before the entrance door. "Don't think that you can just touch me after all of this!"

But that's what I wanted. I wanted to touch and hold her in my embrace. Have her close while she told me that she loved me again.

"Please just-"

"No Niall. I don't want to hear it." With that, she stepped out of the shop as I blinked back.

Now I had two options here. I could either be a coward again, and let her walk away. Let her remain angry at me and always hold hope that some day she'll forgive me.

Or I can go get her.

I can chase after the woman that I am so madly in love with and prove, both to her and myself, that no matter what fucked up situation comes by, that I love her. And I'll stick by her.

"Niall!" My name was called from the worker behind the counter, being the saviour that'll make my thoughts come into actions.

So rushing over, I briefly thanked the woman and snatched my coffee before making a run out the same door (Y/N) had left out of. If I followed her path, maybe I'll catch up to her.

Hopefully she didn't park close. I know it's a selfish thought but it gives me an opportunity to catch up and sort things out with her. It gives me a chance to show that this fuck up -me- can't go another day without her.

Pushing past people on the pathway, I desperately looked over the crowd to see she wasn't in sight. Shit!

My feet carried me down to the end of the street where I looked around each direction to see if she was in sight. But all I got was random bodies passing mine as people continued their day to day lives.

"No," I muttered as I dropped to my knees, ignoring the glances from strangers around me, "(Y/N)... I-I'm sorry."

Oh great. And now I was going to cry in a public place because I'm that pathetic.

.___. (Your POV) .___.

I watched from a distance, how he fell to his knees and brought a hand up to his face. Was he... was he crying?

No (Y/N), he hurt you. He went behind your back for four months.

That is true. He did hurt me, and it feels like this heartbreak was never going to go away, but making sure he was ok doesn't mean I was going to take him back.

He might be an asshole at times, but he's still the same Niall I fell in love with. And he doesn't deserve to feel like I do; nobody does.

So pushing through the crowds of people, I approached the man that quietly cried in his hand. My legs knelt down beside him as I watched him; him not noticing I was beside him.

"You know," I began as he slowly lifted his head, "tears don't mean you're weak." Niall's eyes widened after he finally registered that I was in fact in front of him. His bottom lip trembled as he looked stunned up at me. "It just means you've been strong for too long."

His shakily lifted his tear covered hand towards my face, his words caught in his throat. His skin was about to come into contact with mine, but I grabbed his wrist before anything further happened.

"Let's talk." We should at least be civil; even though I've been acting anything but. "I'm not taking you back. But I'm not leaving you like this either."

So with a tug of his hand, we came back up to our feet. Our next actions of what to do were not clear, but if we approach this situation right, maybe we could get some clarity from all of this.

And maybe we can get back onto good terms.


Hey kittens

I know this is really sad and I know this wasn't the ending you were hoping for, but I just wanted to show you that not all stories have happy endings. Maybe this story will and maybe this story won't. It's completely up to you. I didn't want to stereotype the main female into instantly forgiving him just because he's Niall Horan. He's human, and any heart break hurts. So if they fix it, it'll be step by step. And maybe they will never get to that stage again, I don't know.

But anyway :) hope you enjoyed it nevertheless Xx

Mummy Nouis xxx

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