Family [Part 4]

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Two weeks had passed since that filth had laid his hands on me. Two weeks since Macy and I have been living under the same roof as Niall and Maura. And two weeks on contemplating whether or not I should call mum.

We had been texting briefly in that short amount of time apart, but she had strangely texted me a few days after Macy and I fleed the house. It wasn't normal of her to do that. She was the type of mother that would always want to check the wellbeing of her children constantly and make sure everything is as it should be. But I have a sneaking suspicion that the filth of a boyfriend had influenced her not to text me.

"Hey you," Niall brought me out of my thoughts as I looked up at him. He smiled and placed his lunch tray on the table before sitting beside me.

"Hey." I offered a smile back.

"You ok? You look a little out of it today?" Looking down at my lap, I shook my head and presented another smile to Niall.

"I'm ok. Just thinking." He picked up his flavoured milk before beginning to shake it.

"You know that's a dangerous thing for you (Y/N)." He was right, especially over the period of the last two weeks. Yet somehow, I always found my mind drifting off.

"I just," I sighed and ran a hand through my hair, "I miss mum..." I did. And I know Macy did too. But I wasn't going to go back until our safety was guaranteed. Especially mums.

Niall's arm wrapped around my shoulders as he pulled me into his side.

"Have you tried calling her?" I shook my head. "Well why don't you?"

"Because what if he's there Niall? What if he tells mum to let her kids come home, and the minute we step into that house, he..." I don't even want to give satisfaction to that possibility anymore.

"That won't happen," Niall tightened his hold on me, "because I'll be there. To protect you and Macy." We shared a stare. "I promise."

His words brought a smile to my lips.

Out of all of the people in the world, how did I get lucky enough to have Niall in my life? He was definitely an angel sent from the heavens.

"Ok," I gave in, "I'll call her today." Niall grinned at my answer before distracting us back to our lunch.


I placed my bag down beside Niall's and watched him walk over to his dresser. The whole time I've been here, we've slept in the same bed, he's dressed and undressed in front of me, and I think we've just become closer as friends.

But it's ironic because we sound and act just like a couple. Apart from the kissing and the 'I love yous'. I had too much on my mind to even think about couples.

"So," Niall looked over at me shirtless while trying to get dressed, "you gonna call your mum?" With a deep inhale, I nodded.

Better now then ever I suppose.

Coming to the edge of Niall's bed, I sat on it and pulled out my phone. Scrolling through my contacts, mum's name had appeared making my heart beat go faster.

This was it. I was actually going to do this.

Pressing the call button, I felt the bed dip down behind me before as wrapped around my neck. "I'm here." Niall reconfirmed to me as I nodded in appreciation.

"Hello?" Oh god.

"M-mum?" I cleared my throat. "Is that you?" She took a few moments to answer.

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