Acceptance [Part 2]

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Gliding through my English and Mathematic homework, I soon found myself opening up my history studies book. It was the last bit of allocated homework I had due this week. And I was happy that I've almost completed it all in less than forty five minutes.

Feeling an arm brush against mine, I looked over to see Niall gulp down wide eyed. "S-sorry." He whimpered, pulling his chair away.

"What? No, no." I took the arm of his chair and pulled it back to where it was originally -or close enough to that spot-. "No harm done." Shrugging off the incident, I turned my attention back to the spread sheet I was working off.

Having Niall here was no bother. In all honesty, it felt quiet nice to be in the company of somebody else that had no intentions of disturbing you. Not deliberately anyway.

My pen glided across the page as I heard a light creak beside me. My movements slowly ceased to a stop as I brought my gaze over my shoulder.

Niall was leaning over slightly, looking at the work I was doing. He mustn't have known I had noticed him because when our eyes did meet, a flush of red spread throughout his cheeks.

It was cute in all honesty. It's been awhile since I've seen a guy blush.

"S-sorry!" He choked back and pulled his book over his face. Pretending to be absorbed in it to hide his embarrassment, I chuckled and hooked my fingers around the top of the story.

"You can't read the book if it's upside down can ya?" Niall fixed his eyes on the pages for his blush to redden. "Don't worry," I smiled gently placing his book on the surface, "I don't mind you here with me."

Niall looked between both of my eyes as I studied his. They were such a extravagant blue. But yet... there was something not right about them.

Lifting my gaze to his face, I felt the same thing when looking over it. It didn't feel... what's the word?

Real? Sincere? Happy?

My hand lifted up and took place on his cheek. His tensed underneath my hold as I stroked my thumb over his cheekbone.

"What's wrong Niall?" I muttered to myself, though wanting to have Niall answer honestly. "Why do you look so sad?" My words must have hit a nerve as his eyes immediately glossed over.

His hands began to lightly shake on the table as I frowned at the boy in front of me. My second hand took one of his in my hold as I attempted to comfort the boy.

He's holding so much back. I can see it in his eyes. There's a big emotion sitting on the edge of his being, ready to burst out; and it's been there awhile.

"It's not good for you to hold this feeling inside sweetheart," Pulling my chair closer to his, I watched as he used everything he had to keep it inside, "cry."

The word was enough for a strangled quiet sob to weave out of his mouth. My hands left his touch before they pulled him closer around the neck. His whole body froze as I stilled my movements.

"It's ok to cry Niall." I whispered beside his ear. "It doesn't make you weak or inferior." Another sob struggled to break free. "You've tried to put on a brave face for so long and now you just need to release this."

I know I've barely known the boy, but I had this feeling that he needed this. He needed to be given permission to cry and let go; even if from a stranger.

His body began to lose control as soft sob after soft sob escaped his lips.

"Don't hold them back." My arms tightened around him as my hands brushed over his back.

After a few minutes of coaching soft words to the boy, he was now full on sobbing into my neck; his hands gripped tightly at the school shirt on my sides.

We sat here for a little while as Niall detoxed this emotion out of his body. It was a good thing though. Because now it'll feel like some weight has been lifted from his shoulders.

My neck was saturated in tears but I didn't find that to bother me. Niall was finally releasing this burdening feeling and I wasn't going to prevent that.

"(Y-Y/N)." He choked out hesitantly pulling his face away from me. The heel of his palms wiped over his eyes as I kept ahold on his shoulders. Our eyes finally met, and I couldn't find myself to tear away our gaze. "T-thank y-you."

A soft smile etched onto my face as I gave a nod. And in that moment, it was like I had an epiphany.

Niall just sobbed on my shoulder, not even an hour after properly meeting him. He gave in so easily and showed me how vulnerable he truly was. He wasn't somebody I should let go of. Not easily unless Niall puts up a fight.

But from what I've just seen... I think he needs somebody. And I'm not sure if he has anybody or not, but I'm going to make sure I'm here for him.

We'll get to know each other. Learn from each other.

"You know you can talk to me any time." I spoke as we later found ourselves leaving the building once the school bell rung. "I mean, it seems like you don't talk to others a lot." With a weak offering smile, Niall bit his lip and quietly nodded.

Oh... so I'll take that as he doesn't talk to other people much.

"How are you getting home?" I changed the subject. Niall hesitantly rubbed the back of his neck while shrugging.

"W-walk?" His quiet hoarse voice had me thinking that he was scared, that even that was going to be the wrong answer.

This boy was fragile and very quiet. Maybe because he had trusting issues.

But whatever it was, I wanted to be a help to him. I wanted to see Niall become strong and bold. Confident and witty. And if that meant one step at a time for him, then so be it.

"Well, looks like I'll be giving you a ride home today." Carefully taking ahold of his wrist, I pulled him with me through the small groups of people at the front gates.

He didn't say anything. Maybe he was too scared to. But that didn't stop me. Not one bit.

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