You're gonna miss me (Part 2)

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My suitcases were packed and everything that I owned had been stored away into a removalist bag. Niall wasn't home yet so this time he might have actually gone to hang out with his friends.

"(Y/N)!" Or not. "Babe! Where are ya?!" Coming out of the bedroom, I let out a shaky breath and made my way out to where that insolent boyfriend of mine was. "There you are!"

He smiled widely and eliminated the space between us quickly as he took me into his arms. Niall gave me a tight squeeze as he held onto me tightly; his breathing irregular and his heart pounding from his chest to mine.

I hesitantly put my hands lightly on his sides as he pulled away and smiled down at me. Though the corner of his lips twitched which told me it was forced.

"I got something for you." Taking my hand, he pulled us into the kitchen where a light blue box sat. I instantly recognised it as a Tiffany's box and felt my hand tighten around his.

So he was trying to buy my affection was he?

"Open it." He gave a light tap to my butt as I withheld a growl and stepped in front of the present. Niall's arms wrapped around me from behind as I stopped for only a few seconds. His whole being screamed nervous and I don't know if he knew I knew or not.

Deciding to leave him on the edge, I opened the coloured box back to be met with a stunning necklace. It was beautiful I will admit, but this necklace had a deeper meaning behind it. I just had to figure it out.

"Why'd you buy me this?" He knew I could afford my own.

"Because I love you." His voice wavered. Narrowing my eyes at the stunning jewellery, I let my brain rack through ideas of why he'd buy this.

He's never been this nervous before. I mean sure, finding excuses to hang out with that little affair of his is one thing. But this is another.

Wait a minute...

I went and had a chat with her today. She must have panicked and...

My eyes widened when I suddenly realised why he bought me this gift; why he was so nervous and so suddenly affectionate.

He knows I know about the affair. He knows that he's been caught out and he's trying to buy my forgiveness.

But I don't want him to think that if he buys me expensive things than he's easily forgiven. Because he's not. And he won't be for a long time.

"Niall..." His arms tightened as his body tensed behind me. He knew something was wrong. "How gullible do you think I am?"

"W-what?" I turned and narrowed my eyes at him to see the pure worry on his face. "Baby, what are you-"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about!" I hissed and shoved him away. "And I'm not just going to forgive you because you bought me something nice!"

His facial expression held one close to hers when I confronted her about it. But his was still undeciphered. He didn't know if I was talking about the affair or not.

"W-what a-are you talking a-about?" He was nervous as hell.

So deciding to take this slow, I turned back and took the necklace into my hold. Examining it, I saw the quality was one of pure form. It was stunning and I'd want nothing more than to wear it.

My mother always told me that if you ever break apart from your partner, keep the jewellery. That they shouldn't keep you from feeling beautiful.


"Four months." I dryly chuckled. Slowly turning to him, Niall blinked back in realisation that this was exactly what he thought it was. "A week after Harry's birthday actually, that you've been sneaking behind my back."


"You thought you had hidden it so well too. Thought I'd forever be left in the dark."

"S-she means nothing to me." Well that's cold; even if she is spoilt on attention.

"That's not what she told me today." I watched and saw Niall's eyes begin to blur in his own tears.

They weren't tears for me though. They were realisation that he was going to lose everything close he had. He doesn't love me or else he wouldn't have cheated. God knows how long he would have done it if I hadn't intervened today.


"Please what Niall?" I growled stepping forward. "Forgive you? Tell you everything's going to be ok? Is that what you want?! For me to forgive and forget?!"

"I-I love y-you!" He sobbed stepping forward.

"No! You don't know the meaning of the word!" Turning around, I shoved the necklace into the box and growled.

I wanted it like you wouldn't believe. But I couldn't take it. My subconscious told me it was the wrong thing to do.

"L-let me explain!" Stopping, I grabbed the box and spun on my heel.

"Alright. Explain." He wiped his tears away and leant a shaky hand out though I leant back. He doesn't get to touch me.

"S-she... she was t-there. A-and I needed the e-excitement."

That was it? After four months and that's his reason? For excitement?!

My jaw tightened in place as my anger only built. If I focused on my anger and only showed that to Niall than he wouldn't see the tears. The tears that I'm definite going to be mesmerised with tonight.

"Right." I whispered and stepped away from him and out if the kitchen. First I needed to retrieve my bags; then I needed to escape any crowding outside. Then fly over to to Hollywood early and prepare myself for a new upcoming movie.

"(Y-Y/N)!" Niall gripped my hand though I slipped mine out of his and walked into the old, used room. "D-don't leave!"

I ignored him and took both suitcase handles in my hold.

"Baby PLEASE!" He fell into his knees and wrapped his arms around my legs like a pathetic child. "I-I'll break it off! D-delete her n-number! I-I'll forget h-her-"

"Don't bother," I spat, pushing him away from me, "or you'll lose both of us."

I pulled the suitcases through the apartment to hear Niall sobbing hysterically as he chased after me. His last resort was to fling himself on the front door to prevent me from leaving.

He looked like a mess. Like a sad puppy thst just needed to be taken into his owners hands and loved.

Just because I was angry, doesn't mean it didn't hurt to see him like this. He did bring this on himself, true. But I would never want to do anything to hurt him.


He shook his head and looked at me through the mass of his tears.

I literally felt my insides drop and almost felt my heart break.

"I-I l-love y-you..."

"Then why?" My vision threatened to blur as well. Niall only shook his head and crumpled to his knees.

He didn't have an answer which he though was good enough to tell me. Because there was no real reason why he cheated.

He got bored so he found somebody to help spice up his life. And he obviously didn't think of the consequences of doing that.

"Goodbye Niall." Pushing the door open, I rolled the luggage around his crying figure and stepped down the hall.

Don't look back. Don't you dare look back (Y/N).

Mummy Nouis xxx

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