Family [Part 1]

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With a deep breath, I reached my hand up and wrapped my fingers around the doorknob. I knew what was to come, I just didn't have it in me to deal with it today. Why can't he just not be an asshole? Why does he have to treat my sister and I like shit?

Pushing the door open, I stepped into my once comfortable home, my defensive guard rising up as I shut the front door behind me. There was radio music coming from somewhere within the house, I couldn't pinpoint where. It used to always drift around the house from the kitchen a few years ago; that's because mum found she couldn't bake without it. But now times have changed and it's more of a horror melody to hear.

Tightening my fists beside my sides, I came around the front entrance hall corner to see mum. My insides relaxed a bit at the sight of her as I made my way over.

"Mum?" She flinched back at my tone as my eyebrows furrowed. Looking up at me from the far side of the dining room table, my eyes widened as they scour over her face.

No. He didn't.

"(Y-Y/N)," she whispered, "how w-was schoo-"

"Screw school!" I yelled, running over and inspecting the big bruise across the side of her face. "What the hell happened?" Her eyes softened as she looked away from me. Her silence confimed the answer that I already knew.

That god forsaken boyfriend of hers hit her again.

Feeling my temper rise and my fists ball tighter, I stepped back and looked over towards the lounge room. He lay asleep on the couch, beer in hand with a sport game playing across the television.

"(Y/N)," mum grabbed my hand and pulled my attention back to her, "just leave it. It's done." Just leave it? Was she kidding me?

"Mum, he hit you! How the hell do you expect me to just leave it?" She shook her head as to dispatch any bad memories replaying in her head.

"He'll apologize. He has to-"

"Look at the bruise on your face! He put it there probably without a second thought! I can't believe he does this! Mum," I grabbed her shoulders in my hands and stared straight into her eyes, "he's bad for you. Bad for our family. If he's so willing to hit you, then how long until it's me? Until Macy gets hit?" The thought of that monster laying his filthy hands on my little sister made my knuckles turn white.

Mum flinched again and I immediately retracted my hands away.

"He needs to go." Mum shook her head, her eyes narrowing as she pushed me away.

"He loves me." I scoffed and gestured my hands to her face.

"He doesn't love you! He fucking hit you! That's not love! That's abuse!"

"(Y/N)?" Looking back, I saw Macy standing quietly at the edge of the room. My eyes softened as I motioned her over. She eagerly ran into my arms, her primary school uniform still attached to her.

She probably had to walk home today which really annoyed me. A twelve year old girl walking a fair way from home was not safe. I knew I should have walked to her school to pick her up today.

"He will change. He has too..." Mum whispered to herself as I shook my head.

"Mum, please. Just liste-"

"I think you've spoken enough. Get to your rooms." When we didn't move, her anger flared. "Now!" Macy flinched back at our mother's tone before I took her hand and pulled us away into my room. As long as she was with me, I knew she would be safe.

"(Y/N)," Macy whispered, sitting on the end of my bed as I locked the front door, "will he ever go away?" Sighing, I turned back and looked at my little sister. Her doe eyes staring up at me with hope; hope that one day he would just go away.

"I don't know." I answered truthfully and came down beside her. Pulling her under my arm, she snuggled into my side as I kissed her hair. "But whatever happens, I'll be here to protect you." She lifted her head to look up at me.

"Pinky promise?" She held her pinky finger out to me, causing me to crack a smile and latch my pinky with hers.

"I promise." Smiling back up at me, my phone than began blaring from my bag. I stood up and made my way over before checking my lockscreen.

Niall Horan

With a bite of my lip, I accepted the call and brought it up to my ear, remembering how my friend said he'd call me today.

"Hey Niall," I answered, looking back at my sister who took my iPad off charge from the side table to play with it. Not that I minded.

"Hey (Y/N), what's up?" He began a conversation like we hadn't just seen each other mere hours ago.

"Not much I guess, just chilling with Macy." I couldn't tell him about mum, not while Macy was around. I'm not sure if she saw mum when she got home or when we stood together before in the dining room, but I'm not going to mention anything to her. Not yet.

"Oh (Y/N), I'm watching the football game tomorrow night, wanna come over and join?" Niall knew I loved football as much as he did, that being apart of the reason that we were good friends. "I've got food." He sung, me groaning as I sat on my chair at my study desk in the corner of the room.


"Oh come on babe, you can't leave me alone. Look, I'll even buy pizza and shit just for you." With a laugh, I decided to give in. I was always going to anyway.

"Alright, alright. What time you want me over tomorrow?" I heard him quietly celebrating with himself, causing me to smile. That boy was always somehow making me smile.

"Come by around eleven. We can go out for lunch before we settle in."

"Ok, I can do that." Organising our day tomorrow, I decided to cut the conversation short with him today. Macy was in the room and it wasn't fair for her to hear me prattle on nonsense with my friend.

So I hung up with a final goodbye and sighed, leaning back into my chair.

"How's your boyfriend?" Macy teased as I playfully rolled my eyes at her.

"He's not my boyfriend Macy, but he's doing good. Going out to his tomorrow."

"What for?" She pulled her attention away from the iPad, slight panic in her features. Frowning, I stood up and made my way over to her a second time.

"Just a football game." She mumbled under her breath, crossing her arms over her chest. She wasn't one for football, or any kind of sport. She's more into makeup tutorials on youtube and pretty dresses. "You don't have to stay here tomorrow. I can arrange with mum for you to stay at a friend's house."

She sighed and shrugged, playing her game again.

"Ok." I frowned and looked down at my nails. I knew she wanted to spend time with me, but I have to make time for my friends too. I loved her to death, I did, and she will always have priority to my schedule first.

Falling back onto my mattress, I shut my eyes and inhaled deeply.

Things have to get better around here. They just have to.


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Mummy Nouis xxx

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