Family [Part 2]

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Putting down my pen and closing my math book, I groaned as my head hit the study desk. I've only been here for thirty minutes and I'm so over it. God I hate homework.

And it's not that it's hard. I just don't find myself wanting to do something when I could easily procrastinate with something else.

A sudden thud has my head shoot up as I look towards my bedroom door. What the hell was that?

A terrified scream then had me launch out of my seat and fling my door open. Recognising the loud cries of my sister, my eyes narrowed as I ran towards the noise; which ended me up in the kitchen.

Stopping in my tracks to observe what the hell was going on, I saw my sister curled up against the bottom of the kitchen counter with the filth of a man standing above her. My mother's arms gripped onto his elbows, trying to pull him back as he seethed at Macy.

"What the fuck?!" I screamed, catching everyone's attention. "Macy!" She reached out for me as I ran over to her. But just as I came into arms reach, mum's boyfriend shoved me away causing my forehead to hit hard against the fridge door.

"Jack!" Mum cried desperately as I fell to my knees. "Leave them alone!" Everything for one second became a white noise as I clutched a hand over my head. Then bringing it back into my vision, I saw blood smudged against my palm.

Looking back over, I shook my head and stumbled to my feet.

"-pathetic and so are these fucking kids! They do nothing but get in the way! I should have never made the mistake of loving you!" Jack screamed at my mum as he pushed her.

As they staggered away, it gave me enough time to run over to my sister. Her face was drenched in tear stains and her body was shaking in fear. I scooped her up into my arms and felt her cling to me as I exited us as quickly as I could back to my room.

We couldn't stay here. It wasn't safe.

Coming into my room and locking the door, I put Macy on the floor and listened to her sob. I had to hold back my own tears and be strong for her. Wiping her tears away with my thumbs, I cupped her face and looked at her.

"Hey, hey," I cooed cringing, feeling the dull ache in my head begin, "Macy, I want you to listen to me ok? Can you do that for me?" She sniffled loudly and nodded her head. "I'm going to pack my things and then we're going to pack yours. Get as many clothes as you can and everything you will need for a few days ok?"

Stuttering a nod, I gave a kiss to her forehead before pulling her up onto my bed. From there, I pulled out a duffel bag from underneath my bed and threw as many clothes in as I could. Putting my electronics and their chargers in as well, I made a quick dash out of the room and into the bathroom.

A minute or two later, I came back in and grabbed Macy's hand in mine.

"Come on baby." I whispered grabbing my school bag and pulling us into her room. Helping her gather the belongings she would need, we zipped up her small suitcase.

I put all of our things together and we carried them out of her room. Motioning her to follow me and clasping her hand in mine, I pulled us out the back door and around the yard.


"I know Macy." I cooed as she coughed on her breaths while trying hard to not burst into tears again. Coming up to the corner of our street, I flicked out my phone and dialled the first number I knew I'd need.

A few rings past and I squeezed Macy's hand in anticipation.

"Come on, come on!" I muttered to finally hear the phone stop ringing.


"Niall! It's (Y/N)."

"Hey, what's going?" Biting my lip to restrain any tears, I tried to explain briefly.

"Niall, please..." Nope. Here come the waterworks.

"(Y/N), what's going on? Are you ok?" His voice changed into complete seriousness as I pulled Macy and I just behind the street sign.

"Come pick us up at the street sign. Please Niall." I heard movement on his end.

"Ok darlin' I'm coming right now. Don't move." Nodding to myself, I heard Niall speaking to someone. "I'm going to get (Y/N). It's urgent, I'll be back in about twenty minutes."

Wrapping an arm around Macy and keeping her close against me, I heard a car door open and shut before the engine started.

"Stay with me ok, I want to make sure you're ok."

"Ok." I breathed, trying to focus on that so I wouldn't cry and so I wouldn't have to think about the horrible things that just happened.

Niall kept trying to reassure me and asked me where I was. I prayed that this wouldn't be a burden, but he was the first person on dial and he was nearly here.

Seeing a pair of headlights then come into view, I turned to Macy and tugged her close.

"Grab your bags ok. Niall is going to pick us up and I want you to get straight into the car ok?" Macy nodded, grabbing a hold of her suitcase handle as the car pulled up beside us.

Niall immediately jumped out and ran over to us.

"(Y/N)! What's go-oh my god." His eyes widened as he looked at me. Putting a hand on my shoulder, he inspected my forehead where I could feel the blood beginning to dry.

"Macy," I took her hand and tugged her towards Niall. He looked at her, "go to the car sweetie." She nodded and Niall put an arm around her shoulders before guiding her to the vehicle. I grabbed my bags and followed the two as he put Macy's bags on the floor before settling her in.

"Hey," he whispered as she cried into her hands, "it's going to be ok darlin. You're ok now." Pulling a folded blanket from the backseat floor, he draped it over her and tucked her in.

I stepped around and opened the trunk to put my bags in. Not too long after, the sound of a car door shut before Niall was by my side.

"Why the fuck happened?" He asked pulling his jumper sleeve down and gently dabbing at my forehead. I winced away and felt silent tears slip down my face.

Niall pulled his sleeve away to pull me into a tight hug. I quietly cried into his shoulder as he stroked my hair.

I didn't like this feeling. The feeling of my throat closing, barely letting me talk. The feeling of being so weak in this situation and not being able to do anything. I hated it. I hated every second.

"Let's get back ok?" And with a nod, I followed Niall back into the car.


This is so sad!! :( But if you liked it, remember to Vote and Comment kittens x tysm ily xo

Mummy Nouis xxx

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