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"I'm so sorry sweetheart. I didn't mean what I said." His arm wrapped around your torso as he leant his body down onto yours. "I love you. I love you very, very much (Y/N)."


Being in a relationship wasn't as easy as Disney or fairy tales made it out to be. It isn't just one look and both people have an undying love for each other. Everything wasn't always perfect and things sometimes didn't flow.

You haven't been in a relationship for awhile. So now that you were in one, you began remembering the feel of how to maintain it.

A fight was obviously going to happen. And it only took four months for the first one.

"I'm not saying you can't spend time with your friends Niall. Christ, stop twisting my words!"

"You said you didn't want me to hang out with my mates tonight! Why? So I can spend time with you?!"

"Maybe!" You yelled. "Bloody hell Niall! We've barely spent any time together for the last few weeks!"

"Bullshit!" Niall took a menacing step forward as your eyes narrowed in anger. "I got back what? Four, five days ago? And you've been hanging off of me the moment I stepped into the airport!" This boy was asking for a smack. And you, right now, were more than willing to give it.

"Hold on. Let's, let's recap shall we?" Your sarcasm dripping thick as you held your hands before your face. "You were in Australia, what, two weeks ago? Watching that fucking god awful Wimbledon crap!" Niall's arms crossed over his chest like they usually did when he was involved in heated arguments. "And ever since you got back four, five days ago, you've been out with your friends every night! We've been out for coffee once and," you paused as you threw your arms above your head, "we haven't even had sex yet! So excuse me for feeling rejected and wanting some time with my boyfriend!"

Niall leant his face down intimidatingly close to yours, his breath trying to escape through his gritted teeth. "I fucking wonder why." Your eye twitched at the remark as you balled your fists.

"Fine," you growled, stepping back and flailing your arms, "if you want to hang with your mates then fine! No problem with me!" You yelled loudly and thickly with angered sarcasm. "But I really hope you enjoy the fucking couch when you come home!" You put a hand out pointing accusingly at Niall. "If, you come home!"

Niall shook his head in disbelief as you slapped your arms back against your sides.

"What? What's the problem now huh?" Simply giving another head shake, he snatched his jacket from the back of the lounge and stepped back to the entrance door.

"You wanna know something (Y/N)?" You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms over your chest as Niall stood in the doorway. "I'd rather spend every night getting wasted and hanging out with my friends, then to be at home with a clingy bitch like you."

With that, he left with the slam of the door.

You stared wide eyed after him. Still trying to take in the hurtful insult that he just threw at you.

Did he just say that? You have never been one to blindly throw a hurtful name at Niall; even when angry. You were not good with things like that as they brought back traumatic memories.

Feeling the first loose tear glide down your cheek, you could do nothing but fall to your knees snd silently watch the tears evaporate into the carpeted floor beneath.

The night would be long. And painful.


The digital clock beside your bed read 4:02 am in bright red letters. Your eyes were dry from all the crying that commenced and your body felt heavy. Like an anchor had been attached to your chest, dragging you, your emotions and your self esteem to the floor.

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