Acceptance [Part 1]

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This boy was fragile and very quiet. Maybe because he had trusting issues.

But whatever it was, I wanted to be a help to him. I wanted to see Niall become strong and bold. Confident and witty. And if that meant one step at a time for him, then so be it.


I've always been so wrapped up in passing subjects and exams that I tend not to notice anything else. My friends of course would bug me constantly until I gave them my undivided attention. And you know what, sometimes I needed those people in my life to give me a push in the right direction.

I can't always be focused on school and anything and everything. Sometimes I gotta do something for me. That'll make me feel good.

But coming to the last year of high school, I decided to relax a bit this year. Switching classes into easier subjects will take a lot of pressure off of me studying my heart to something I don't understand. And with school being not so hard, it's easier to relax now.

It had been the first week back and I catch myself people watching a lot. Maybe since I've never done it, because I was so wrapped up in homework, is why I'm now taking time to really see who's in my grade.

And let me tell you... there's a lot more assholes than I thought there would be.

Out of every ten people that step in through the cafeteria doors, eight and a half of them seemed to have an attitude. And when I say attitude, what I mean is that there's always that one person who is two faced.

"(Y/N)!" My attention was brought back to reality when I saw my friends packing away lunch.

"What?" Why were they packing up?

"The bell for last class went." With a sigh, I pulled myself to my feet before packing away my things into my bag.

I don't tend to eat massively at school. It's outside of school and when I'm at home is when I turn into this machine that can't function without food. It's my lifestyle, my comfortable one.

Walking out of the cafeteria, I departed from my friends and made my way across the hall to my locker. The last class I had today was a free period in the library, so I didn't need to rush off any time soon.

Doodling around once I unlocked my locker, I heard a skid up the hall before a loud thud. Usually the thud was the sound of the schools boy football team players knocking each other into lockers; don't ask me why, I don't understand stupid.

But today was a little different.

Shutting my locker with my folder and pencil case in hand, my eyes widened to see a football player and small blonde boy not too far away.

The blonde was hauled up against the lockers as the idiot jock had him pinned there; face inches from his as he whispered something nasty.

See, I could go and tell on him -and act like I was in primary school-, or go sort shit out myself. And being the independent woman I've always been encouraged to be, my feet strode across the floor to the two.

"-so don't you think-"

"Is there a problem?" I asked clearly, the two heads looking over at me. My eyes narrowed at the boy with the jersey as his fists only tightened.

"How about you mind your own business?" Jock over here snapped. With a deep over dramatic sigh at the jerk before me, I rolled my eyes.

"You must be a lot dumber than I thought you were if you think I'm just going to leave." The blonde stared over at me wide eyed; my gaze flickering over at him to see fear radiate from his eyes.

"I don't have time for this."

"Yeah, that's funny. Because neither do I," I stepped forward with a menacing glare at the jock, "let go and piss off."

He looked between me and the younger boy before shoving him again while stepping away.

"This isn't over Horan." The bigger boy growled as he cracked his neck and strode off down the hall. With another roll of my eyes, I then turned to see the shaken boy known as Horan.

I think I've seen him around school before but I'm not quite sure.

"Are you ok?" I whispered, giving my full attention to the male in front of me. His bottom lip trembled as he backed away; giving me the impression that he thought I was going to hurt him as well.

And without another sound, the boy tried to push past me though I instantly caught his arm. He flinched back with a weak whimper as my fingers loosened.

"I'm not going to hurt you," I reassured and slowly took my hand away, "I just want to know that you're ok." With a slight turn of his feet towards me, he nodded weakly. "What's your name? Mine's (Y/N)."

Hopefully telling him my name first will give him enough confidence to tell me his.

And I think it did as I watched him mumble shyly under his breath. "I'm sorry, you're going to have to speak up." I coached softly. Taking a risk, I pulled a finger under his chin and tilted it so we became eye level.

His eyes had widened at the gesture as I offered him a kind smile.

"Niall..." he breathed as I thought back. Niall? Hey, wasn't Niall the kid in my old mathematics class that had the highest exam scores all year?

"I've seen you around before." Niall lowered his gaze to the floor as I slipped my hand away. "What do you have now Niall?" Niall's mouth opened and closed once like a gaping gold fish. It was going to be a bit of a challenge to make this boy talk a little bit more.

"S-spare." He had a spare as well?

My smile widened as I watched him become slightly bewildered at my reaction.

"So do I," I took his wrist softly, "maybe we could sit together? Do you think that'd be cool?"

Niall was too stunned to speak. I take it he has never been offered something like this before. So knowing that he wouldn't verbally respond, I saw him stutter a nod with a ghosting faint smile over his lips.

And that was enough to pull us towards the library.


Hey kittens ❤

This imagine is going to be a new perspective of Niall. Niall will quiet, shy, timid and distant to emitting emotions. So I want us all to experience together how the main female and Niall grow together. How Niall becomes stronger day by day with a little help.

Just an idea :) Xx

Mummy Nouis xxx

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