She's a little Different [Part 4]

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The week had flown by and now I found myself sitting on a Friday lunchtime. Ever since detention, Louis has been making an effort to come spend time with "his side hoes," as he likes to call us. Harry didn't mind that he came and sat with us at lunch because all they ever seem to talk about it training and the upcoming game tonight.

Which leads me into this conversation.

"No, I'm busy."

"With what? Homework?" Harry teased as I threw my napkin at the boy.

"Shut up Harry."

"Why won't you come?" Louis crossed his arms and leant on the table. "You get free food and a good game."

"Who said the food was free?" I asked as he gestured his head to Harry.

"Harry will pay."

"What? I never agreed to this!" Both of us laughed at the boy that shovelled down the rest of his pork riblet roll.

"Well if it makes you feel any better, I'll be on Facebook when you get home." I shrugged pushing my empty container of food away and opening my flavoured milk.

"Are you scared that he'll be there?" Harry teased as I shot him a warning look. Louis was here and if Louis found out then god knows what'll happen.

"He? Who's he?" Louis looked between us as I sat quietly drinking away and Harry smirked over at me. "Tell me who he is! I don't want to be left out on the secret!"

"It's nothing Louis." I played it down.

"Somebody has a certain crush on one of the boy's from the team." Harry nodded at me and smirked cheekily at Louis. Louis left his mouth form the shape of an 'o' as he looked back at me.

"Is it me?" Was the first thing he asked. I rolled my eyes and shook my head as he huffed and looked back at Harry.

"You're just the side hoe remember?" I teased as she chuckled and flicked his imaginary long hair.

"I am your main hoe."

"Talking about hoes..." I mumbled and watched as Holly and her little gathering approached our table.

"Hey," She smiled at the two boys as they returned her greeting. She didn't look or even acknowledge me; not that I wanted her to anyway, "I heard there's a game tonight. Me and my girls will be there." Harry gave them a short thanks as Louis looked over at me.

"Why can't you be like that?" He began to fake cry as I rolled my eyes and smiled at him.

"Nobody said I was easy to get." Holly glanced over at me and gave me a look up and down before rolling her eyes.

"So Harry," She began as he put a few fingers over his lips and looked up at annoying presence, "I'm holding a party after the game. Wanna come?" He shrugged and looked at Louis.

"I'm not sure. I'll see if I'm busy and get back to you." Holly bit her bottom lip, obviously not satisfied with that answer.

"The rest of the team are going to be there." My eyes widened at the mention of his team. The team; Niall was a part of that team. And knowing Holly, she would supply alcohol at the party. Young boys being drunk equal's hormones flying everywhere. No doubt he'll try and make a move on her. Shaking my head at the thought, I gather my things and stood up.

"Where you going? We've still got ten minutes until the bell." I needed an excuse and fast.

"I have to borrow a book from the library for an assessment." With a quick nod and an obvious suspicion from Harry, I scurried from the cafeteria and made my way to a quiet part of the school.

Why did I even bother with my stupid crush anyway? Niall was never going to like me back; even if the entire football team became my best friends he wouldn't date me. He's perfect; to perfect and it was obvious that I was nothing compared to him.

Maybe I should stop obsessing and get real. I'm lucky that Harry and Louis have even acknowledged a friendship with me. I should be more than satisfied with that. They're two of the most respected people around the school. Without them, I'd have no protection of becoming the loser around this place. I probably was anyway, but nobody would treat me that way because Harry's always been there.

Coming into the library, I paced over the quiet section of the school to see two or three people widely spaced out as they read. Putting my bag down beside me, I took a seat at the closest table and let my head rest again the solid surface.

Get real (Y/N), Niall will never like you. So I should just focus on something else that I could make worth my time. A buzz came through my phone telling me I had a new text message. I knew it was from Harry asking about my sudden weird behaviour but I didn't care. This time alone is what I needed right now. I needed to get myself together and focus on the important and obtainable things in life.

My focus on my thoughts dragged out until the bell for last class had gone. I stood and pulled my bag with me as I made my way out of the building. Rounding the corner to the science block, I felt a broad chest smack me right in the face before I fell on my backside.

"Oh my god, are you ok?" Looking up, I met eyes with the boy that I had a stupid fucking hopeless crush on. The more I try to distance myself away from him, the more he gets shoved in my face. Literally. "Here, let me-"

"I'm fine." I ignored his hand and came to my feet as I dusted myself off.

"Are you ok?" He asked as his eyebrows scrunched together, his friends walking around us and waited at the corner. My eyes blurred with tears and I pushed them aside, trying to manoeuvre around him. "Hey," Niall grabbed my arm though I yanked it away.

"Just leave me alone!" I yelled; his eyes widened as a loose tear escaped down my cheek. Realising my own mistake, I turned on my heel and sprinted as fast as I could away from him.

Great, now he thinks I'm a pathetic mess. Not that he was wrong though. Catching my break, I inhaled deeply and made my way into the last class before isolating myself away into the back corner. I just hope today ends so I don't have to be around anybody for a solid two and a half days.


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Mummy Nouis xxx

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