Acceptance [Part 3]

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Two weeks had passed ever since my encounter with Niall, and things had slowly began to improve. He spoke a little bit more now to me and I made sure to listen to every word.

Turns out though, that befriending Niall was something my other friends didn't like. They were the type of people that didn't easily let outsiders into the group. So when I tried to introduce Niall -which had taken me a week to convince him of my decision-, these people instantly turned him away.

Trying to then encourage me to do the same.

'He's quiet. And you know quiet people hold a lot of secrets.'

'He's probably just pretending. I bet he has a ton of friends outside of school.'

So you can bloody bet your ass that I dropped those people. Who do they think they were? Niall wasn't a terrible deceiving person; he was lost. A broken soul that just needed a bit of kindness in his life.

In a way though, I'm glad they showed their true colours. I'd rather spend time with people that would vibrate on levels like me. People that wouldn't turn their backs on other lost people like Niall.

Niall was the only person I found myself to associate with now and I didn't mind one bit. He seemed more than happy with my company as well; with the weak smiles and the quiet appreciative thank yous I would get constantly.

"Damn." I mumbled, looking from my math homework to his. We found ourselves once again in our spare session, dedicating the time to our two main subjects.

Math and English.

It was like everybody thought these classes were higher priority than anything else, so they gave us a shit ton more homework.

And looking at Niall's homework, I felt like I would faint.

Niall slowly looked up from his book as I shook my head at the brain tugging equations. "You are one truly gifted boy." Finding a slight blush raise to his cheeks, Niall mumbled a thank you and kept writing.

Looking over my homework and looking up at the clock in the library, I sighed slouching back into my seat.

"Too much work," leaning forward,  I let my head land on my notepad, "brain overloading." A small giggle came from Niall beside me as I looked up at him.

His cheeks reddened as I smiled a cheeky grin.

"Hey," I leant my face in my hand as I caught Niall's attention once again, "wanna ditch early and get food?" Niall's eyes widened like I had just asked if he'd dispose of a dead body. "Oh c'mon!" I teased, folding my books away and standing up. "Live a little."

With a gentle nudge to his shoulder, I packed up my belongings and put away the temporarily borrowed subject books. Because let's be honest, who would steal that crap?

Coming back, I found Niall hesitantly standing up with his things in his hold. "That's the spirit." I smiled and pulled him out of the building -dodging the librarians so we wouldn't get an ear full about traunting.

Technically, we could leave at any given moment with spares but we had to let authorities know.

But with a few minutes to spare until the bell, I think we're in the clear.

"This way you enthusiastic little thing!" I mocked his complete opposite approach as I unlocked my car. I've grown a normal routine to dropping Niall off home after school every afternoon.

And I didn't mind a bit.

Just as we climbed into my car, the school bell rung throughout the fenced area as I started the ignition to my car.

"How about some Nando's huh? My treat." I've taken Niall to the fast food restaurant a few times now. The first time we went, I watched his eyes light up the moment he bit into his burger and I knew he fell in love with the place.

Niall smiled inwardly to himself as he nodded.

"Ok." He whispered, putting his seatbelt on as I steered us out onto the road. And we are onto a winning start ladies and gentlemen.


"You are so attached to that food, I swear." I smiled as I watched Niall down the rest of my chips I couldn't finish. Picking up my tropical soda, I drank the remaining contents from the straw as Niall blushed.

"Sorry." He slowly pushed his plate away as my eyes widened.

"No, no!" I stopped him. "I was teasing. Of course you can finish your food. I'm not judging you." Niall looked between my eyes before letting me guide the plate back to where it was. "I'm actually glad you feel comfortable enough to eat a lot around me. Makes me happy."

Sporting a smile, Niall subtly pulled out one of his own as he nodded; finishing his chips.

But as quickly as he relaxed, he tensed up again. My brows furrowed in confusion as I followed his fearful gaze behind me.

Oh no.

A handful of the schools football team just entered the shop. And thank god that they were too occupied with each other to notice us.

"Niall," I turned back to him, "how much of those chips can you stuff in your mouth?" Blinking back, Niall hesitantly pulled them up and shoved them into his mouth.

I was surprised that he could fit the remaining contents into his mouth; even though he looked like a chipmunk now.

"Ok, let's go." Taking his wrist, I pulled him up and guided us swiftly out to the door.

Ok. So far so good.


Maybe I spoke to soon.

Niall tensed behind me as I felt him being yanked back. Shooting my head around, I glared at the same jock that, a few weeks ago, that had Niall pinned to the lockers.

"What a surprise seeing you here." His unwelcoming smirk had Niall whimper into his mouthful. "What? Cat got your tongue?" The jocks hand harshly slapped the side of Niall's cheek.

Which was a big bloody mistake that was.

The food in Niall's mouth came spurring out. Saliva, chewed up food and all. And it landed directly on the idiot that had a firm grip on him.

The whole shop went quiet as Niall stepped back fearfully. Taking him, I pulled him back behind me as the jock tried to comprehend what just happened.

"You..." he growled as we slowly back away. "You little fucking shit!" And that's our cue.


Hey kittens ❤

I'm not to sure how many parts of this imagine are left but I'm hoping one or two :) Xx

Mummy Nouis xxx

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