🙂New beginings/ Not so much🙁

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3 Days Latter, Caleb's prove

"Good afternoon. Take your seats so we can began."
"I know you all have been waiting For this day to come. The day that I find my mate, and your luna. Might I add that she and her brother moved to this pack. I expect you go give her the same respect, as you show me. Now if you hurt my mate or threaten her an any way you will have to deal with me. So here she is Kara, the most beautiful woman i have ever seen. You all will get the chance to meet here during the party. But before we feast. I have something very important too tell everybody." I say

I stop for a miniute for every to clear their haed and focus on what im trying to tell them. What I have to say effects the whole pack and not just me. They have a right to know.
"We have been offered an alliance with another pack. I have declined that offer. We have fought many battles and won. I still believe we cold still win, and we do not need anymore unwanted people on our land. As many of you guys already know their, is a rouge problem. They're getting bold and brave. But we will not cower away in fear. We will fight, just like we have been doing. If you have any concerns voice them now."
Looking about the crowd of pack member's, I wasn't socked that no one spoke up. They trust me with their lives and haven't questioned my decision yet. So with out adding anything more I called the meeting to an end and everyone when to go eat and relax.

As soon as kara and I stepped off the stage we were instantly bombarded and trapped by a majority of the packs females. Knowing that I was not what they were here for. I pushed my way out of the group. Leaving kara's side, I go and spend time with the males while they watched their mates interact with mine.

Just as the pack was shifting into wolf form. My beta comes runing like a bat out of hell. When he cought up to me her took a few deep breaths getting his breathing under control.

"Alpha, there has been sightings of rouges. Just 1 mile before they get to our boarder line." Miles stated

That statement put me into action, and I had to stop the pack run before it even starts. The whole pack is sourrounded by nothing but forest and I cannot put the pups or the females at risk like that. I also could not find my mate. I did not see her in the crowd wolves, setting off a violent growl from deep within me. Making every shifter around me cower in submission. Using our pack like I tell them to go back to their homes and lock the doors.

"Walker, done my mate and take home now! You show me where." I said towards Miles.

The pack took no time to do what I said. Miles and I took off in the direction of the west boarder line. I met Miles a few years back when he asked to join the pack. He is currently in charge of our border lines. Before I became alpha, rouges targeted this territory hoping to take the land away from us. Unfortunately we dominated the fight and we haven't seen a rouge since then, until now.

I felt myself growing angry. I hoped that Waler is with my mate by now, because I can feel how Kara is feeling she is uncomfortable and mad, and I knew I was going to have to make it up to her. I hate they the abominations runined this for her and this pack. Nearing the end of the territory a few of my men were holding off the rouges.

I growled at them, as I threw one of them off my men. A few of them whimpered and bowed their heads, not really knowing you're to act around so much dominance. Even though they are alone wolfs they still can't help that Alpha's still have control. The supposed wolf leading this attack walked up and addressed me.
"We came for the girl."
"What girl" I growled
"The one you smell like."

"The rouge alpha wants what is his." Another rouge off to the side stated.

"What might that possibly be."
Later after the rouge's left. I head back to my office. Finding out that the rouge alpha wants my mate makes me furious. She maybe mad at me now but she will be later when she finds out she has a security detail around.

I call up the surround packs to find out what is going on and happening, to stop this problem. But every call was just about the same.
Rouge's were in the area looking for Kara, apparently her parents had made a deal with the rouge alpha for when she turns of age she is to mate with him. Over my dead body. Wanting to know why Kara's parents needed to make a deal like that in the first place. I sent by beta to go and look into it for me.

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