😁Trying to get her back😁

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Damn, at times like these I even hate myself. It saddens me to sit at my oak brown desk and look across the office room to see my mate doing the school work. I haven't seen a smile on her face in days.

She has not been allowed out of my site since the day she woke up. I had to admire the wrinkle between her eyebrows, it appears when she is concentrating on something hard. Looking at her now just makes me so furious of how I I marked her without her consent. My mark should have been placed on her with love and not anger. We were in such a good place, before the incident.

   Even now as I watch her slowly put food into her mouth, brings joy to my heart. She has picked up some of the weight she had lost when she was with me. I'm not sure she knows that the medication the doctor had prescribed for her is mixed in with the food.

   It was relieving that she didn't fight me on my decision, to keep her by my side, but from the look in her eyes, I know she missed going to school.
Knowing that she is eating I can continue to go back to work. Since the rogue incident I increased security on the pack lands even more. No one is allowed out of their house after 9pm sharp. With the position of alpha, I came with a lot of work.

"Can we go for a run?" Kara said distracting me from my stacks of papers.

Hearing the sound of hervoice, brought a smile to my voice. It's the first time she started up a conversation with me. Before making my decision I aking another glance down at the stacks of paperwork; one quick break won't be so bad, especially if it's for my mate. I sat down the blue ink pin and stood up. Stalking towards my mate I removed the empty tray of food from her lap, and set it on my desk.

"I would love to take you out on a run, but we cannot be too long. I want all the pack members safe and that includes you.
We walked far enough into the woods where pack members cannot see either of us. Standing guard as Kara went behind a tree, to undress made me feel good, for once after that night I can do something truly, right. By the time she she shifted, I already change form.
      Shaking out my dark black fur coat, I gazed around. As my light brown wolf of a mate exited from behind the tree. My wolf whined for her attention. My mate had a gorgeous wolf, absolutely beautiful.

     Instead of giving the attention to my wolf, she stalked off further into the territory with her head held high. Growling I ran after her. My wolf loved a good chase, and Kara was giving me it. I would definitely make time for a run at least twice a week with my mate.

     Catching her on the other hand she made difficult. Everytime I pounced for her she jolted left and right. Once I figured out ur tact, I used it against her. Only when I caught her she growled and went to bite my next.

    After rolling around and tussling I pinned her down by her neck. Growing I set my dominance, and she submitted. Knowing what brought this on, when I let her up I shift forms, and she follows suit.
     Her wolf was upset at me because of my actions towards her, it was only fair that I owe her an apology.

    With my but on the ground I look to her, she's not looking at me but I know she is listening.
"I'm sorry for marking you that way. With that males sent on you, I lost it. We have grown so close in that amount of time. You have to understand, I'm a Male alpha, it was hard enough the moment I saw you not to mark you. The then the way the sent was on you, brought out my possessive instinct. No I am not blaming this solemnly on the nature of my animal, in saying my wolf and I are at fault",. I apologized
"You scared me you know. You didn't give me time to explain. If you had, you would have known it was my friend. He was just a friend. The moment Andria saw the hug she broke it up. I don't know how to fix this."
"You're not the one that needs to fix this. I.... I will fix this, I will do everything I can to get us back to that place correction, further than that place."

   Kara was mine and I will always protect her, I will never physically or emotionally harm her ever again. It was Kara who decided to go on with the run, and I was happy to follow suit.
I waked Kara as I nuzzled into her neck, hearing her purr make my heart speed up. I let my wolf walk around her frame, taking in every aspect of her. When I got to her behind she raised it up, my wolf growled immensely at this motion but I also knew that it was not what Kara wanted but what her wolf wanted. I look up at the sun and knew it was time to head back to the pack house. Nipping her tail she growled, I started walking back towards the pack house and Kara caught up to me and we walked back together on a good note. Tomorrow I will be on the road to redemption in our relationship, and an end to the rouge, problem very soon since I now have a plan to eliminate the problem.

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