😨My little mate🐺

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Caleb's prov.

The night that I put my mark on Kara, I found that she had left me. Entering the house almost looked normal, for the first part that is but as I made my way to our room, everything was still in place. It was a clever Idea except for her leaving the closet door open and to see a gap of missing material.

   My mind had started to wonder to where she might have gone. I used the mind link I have with the pack to get in contact with her best friend. Having failed I linked everyone she knew. I my first thought was to not go directly to her brother because that is the first place I'd go to but as a quick get away, I found she was staying with her brother.
    I immediately off of instinct wanted to go to my mate, and bring her back home. But I think twice not wanting to further heat things us between us. Walking out of the room I took a seat on the sofa, with my head down and in my head thinking about how everything went down.
    The next few days without her in the house was lonely. Her school started to call, but stopped after I just pulled her out. She can take online classes. Getting a mind link from Jess about my mate scared the hell out of me words cannot even began to explain how infuriated I am right this moment. My mate is insufferable at most. When the mind like came though, from Kara's best friend. I did not hesitate, leaving the meeting I was in with Alpha Riggs. I have never wanted my mate to be near me so bad until this moment.

      Getting to the house the pack doctor was already attending to her. It was a tight squeeze fitting into my mate's room. The doctor, jess, and I and her brother. Seeing my mate laid out on ther bed the way she was, no one should see her this way. She looked so malnourished, that the doctor had to lift her shirt. When he was getting ready to completely take off her shirt, I growled my disapproval. But instead of him stopping his advance, he sent a glare my way. Before he finished up he gave my mate a shot.
"She is dehydrated and by the looks of it depressed. Now I have given her shot to numb the pain of a shift. Here in a few hours, she will change her from."
    With a nod of head, taking the pill bottle from doc's hands I take one last fleeting glance at Kara on the bed. My heart broke all over for her. She looked so helpless. I made a vow to myself that moment. I would never lose control again out of anger.
   Going to exit the house chris called out to me in a disrespectful way, while shoving me back.
"This is your falt, you know!"
Growing my disapproval at her brother, I managed to push out.
"This happened on your watch. As her brother you should have caught this before it went to far. On that note, when she wakes up, she will find herself back in my house. The bata and his mate will be coming to move her back."
" what your precious mate will think of you aftet she finds herself back with you," he said dripping disgust.

    Our chat turned into a growling match, and ended with my had wrapped firmly around his neck, with his back against the wall. I did not hold my wolf down. I let him know who was the superior and most importantly the Alpha.

   Walking back to my place, I felt as if something was off, and as my instincts were right, when I heard a ear wretched scream, coming from the pups. Not only did it put me on alert, but I witnessed pack member running away from the problems getting to the Pups.

    I started running to the problem but the crowd of pack mates, damn near close to shoulder to shoulder was quite hard to get through, but not impossible. Making it to the clearing sport, I see rabid looking wolf with blood dripping down its decaying yellow stained teeth. His fur was blotched and matted, like it has not been brushed in years. Finally noticing me, the wolf turns his attention and advances directly at me.

   The wolf's hackles rose, and his muzzle curled back letting out a deep aggresive gowl. With ears shoved forward alert of all movements and sound the wolf slowly circled me. Responding to his need of a challenge. I shifted and gave him one.
  Our body's clashed into one another as I charged the wolf. The impact was just enough to make the wolf land in the dirt with a thud.          
      Getting back up and brushing off the blow, the wolf tryed th turn the tables, but I did not let that happen. I kept him at arms distance, and only letting the wolf come in when I wanted to make him bleed. A few bites here and a few bites their quickly has the wolf slowing down. I knew the of was finished when. If struggled to get back to its feet after my hit to its chest. 
        Deciding to out this horrible display of a challenge out of his misery, I looked for my chance, when the wolf came to me. Only this time, the would managed to manoeuvr blew me and send a deep claw mark across my chest.
Stumbling back, I knew I had to put an end to this. With my chest hurting I did not need anything else messing my day up. Shifting back into my human form, has the wolf grinning at me. What he didn't know was when he lunged for me, I would wrap my arms around his neck, and make a quick fluid motion, breaking his neck, and that's exactly what happened.

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