🤗Morning after😂

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"Caleb please," Kara groaned.

After Caleb brought Kara up to their room the two spend the night doing everything but sleeping. It was as if Caleb could not get enough of her.
Even the following morning. As Kara was wanting to start the day, Caleb had other plans. When reaching to bring her back to the bed, Kara spun out of the way.
"Caleb no, I want to get out of this room for some time. Plus you have been neglecting your alpha duties for the last hour.
With the many of the males gone, the pack seemed quite quiet. Now that the war was over and, a good alliance formed. Everything was good except for her best friend. Kara was glad that the two were mates but on the other had, they were given a hard time for the age difference. Christopher was 10 years her senior. The only ones to seem to have a problem with it is the elder wolves. Something that she was still a child and has yet lived her life.
During the pack run, the males went off to hunt. It's always a good sign to hunt, it always brings the males close.
As the females stayed back they started rubbing the scent into Kara's fur, as a sign of aceptance. But it all turned sour when a female pushed up against Jess in a aggressive manner. Many sounds of disapproval came from the wolves, as Jess pushed back. It this time it was a fight of dominance between the two. Many bites and scratches were exchanged. Kara was taken aback at first but since the challenge was not directed to her specifically, all she could do was sit back.
As Jess scene the opening kill. Kara had to intervene. Older wolves are skilled fighters but they have slow motions and reflexes. Jumping betwen the two Kara growled at them both. It halted them, for a moment before other females growls were interrupted.

"Shift! NOW!" Kara sent through the mind link.
As the few wolves shifted to their skin side, the males were returning. A vicious dominant growl was heard comming though the middle, making all males shift their eyes.

"What's the meaning of this?" Kara stated, with her head held high and her back strait.

"She is to young to be mated to that lawyer,"
A quick glance from the girls to Caleb had him shifting in a moment.

"Who ever her mate is who are you to question tree that." He growled out.

Walking over to Kara he put his head in the nape of her neck and inhaled, calming himself down.

"This is a ridiculous argument, and I will not let you, any of your ruin tonight. Say your goodbye and leave my site."

Kara was a little taken a back from what he said she did not want her friend to leave, but she did fight back and that, she has to agree.

All females made their way throw the pack of wolves and could be seen l leaving in the distance. Turning to Kara Caleb expressed his dislike for her nudity in front of the male wolves. With a blunsh on her face Kara shifted and Caleb followed shortly after.
*End of Flashback*

"I'm going to go see my brother and Jess"

With a sigh Caleb rolled onto his back staring up at the ceiling.

"I don't want you getting involved in their problem."

Sighing Kara walked to Caleb and straddled his waist. In the moments they had together, Kara learned of Caleb's weakness. His need for her.
Grasping Kara's hips in a firm manner, Claeb let out a growl of approval.

"Their my family," shw stated placing a soft kiss being his ear.

" Your my family, u and this one," he says looking directly at her stomach as she sat up.

Kara scanned Caleb's face for a lie, and he could not hold off his smile.

Sick of playing this game Kara removed Caleb's hands from her waist and put distance between the pair.

"Don't joke like that," she stated as she slammed the door on her way out the too.

Sorry for the very late update, thid chapter eas hard to write

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