🤬Mate In Heat🤬

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   Kara came awake in the dark, blinking her eyes a few times. Her body was hot and overheating, as a side effect as going into heat.
The sheets underneath her body was drenched in a layer if sweat. She was burning up.
As a little pup kara was told about what happened at this time. Her body will be producing more hormones at this time then they ever had. All in a lure to males that she is fertile and, ready to produce an heir. It's a females way to ensure population. The only relif, is to satisfy, the need. Most males at this time locks yhe mate away from others for a few days with the pair mate.
Staggering over to the bat hroom she made it to the shower. Cranking it all the way up to cold, she did not bother to strip her clothes off. Plunging into the freezing cold water helped just a little. It still did not dull the need to mate.
Finishing with the shower Kara got out and went through one of Caleb's drawers for a shirt. Throwing on some basketball shorts she slowly made her way over to the door. Twisting the knob she found that it is locked from the other side. Giving another pull after pull, she gave up on that tact, and started pounding on the door, growing very impatient by the second.

"Kara move away from the door" Caleb announced from the other side.

Taking an enormous step backwards she  waited for him to open the door. Feels the way she was, Kara was ready to bolt out the room. She felt as if she was a changed animal, and she wanted nothing more than to shift and hunt.
Caleb entered the room carrying a tray of food. Although kara liked the way the food smelled, she was even more overwhelmed with how her mates sent took hold. Kara's natural body instance was to jump him, and fuck the shit out of him. She never noticed how ripped his biceps were, even now more so. She watched him like a predator, forgetting the need to shift and hunt. He was all she needed in that moment. As Caleb set the food in the night stand he stiffened, and his jaw line descended into a tight hard line.

"Why do I feel this way?"

"Baby, you are in your first heat" He told me.

It's so hard for her to think strait, Caleb was mouth watering. Stalking up to him, she felt bold, but even more she was on a mission to end her need and hunger to mate.
When she was close enough Kara took the opportunity to kiss Caleb. Instead of Caleb pulled back as he so much wished. He relented, capturing her mouth with his. His tongue, slipped into her mouth exploring hers. Crossing, soaking the couple was getting breathless.
Grabbing Kara he lifted her so she can wrap her arms and legs around him. She could feel his erection pressing against he lower stomach. Her entire body hummed In pleasure, making her release a deal moan. Kara believed the was going to explode with all the sensations coursing through her body.

"Take me Caleb,"

As if those words was a punch in the gut, Caleb stopped kissing over Kara's mate mark. I knew he would have lost control, and her words brought him back down to earth.

"Caleb, Caleb" she moaned not wanting him to stop.

"No." He said taking a few steps away.

"What do you mean No?"

If you was not in heat we would not be in this position right now. I would still be making up the last incident. Your not ready for this and the first time we have sex, will not be with any influence."

Kara's face, turned into a blank expression. Then rage, and anger took place on her face. Her eyebrows scrunched together and all that ran though her mind was, the one thing she asked for he couldn't give it to her. She told him to get out, but it was so quiet Caleb did not catch it.

"Get out! Get out?" She repeated, over and over.

Caleb did not move as fast as kara would have liked, but before he left his mate alone, he turned to face her.

"You will have to stay in here until your heat is over," 

"Get. Out." She growled.

"I will not allow any unmated male to be around my mate."

It broke Caleb's heart to walk out of the door. In this moment he felt it was best. As he took a step in the direction of his office her heard glass shatter, and the cries of his mate.

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