👫Moving ahead💏

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    Caleb woke up early, to get a start on the day. Leaning over to his mate he placed a soft kiss on her shoulder before he got himself ready for the day.
     He decided to start his morning off with an early run with his bets, Alpha Riggs and Jackson.
   Caleb put together that Jackson was Kara's friend from the mall. His scent was the first thing he noticed before he actually greeted the man. Caleb made sure to stake his claim over Kara, and Jackson happily submitted to him.
The run this morning was just to signify their union. Kara's old pack, to the north, Alpha Riggs pack to the East, and Caleb's west. The pack to the South had not responded to any of the calls for an alliance, Although this alliance is only until the threat of the rouge's is gone. Caleb had yet to know the reason as to why the rouge's alpha wanted Kara, but he was not going to give her over without a fight.
Running through the forest with a burst of speed Caleb took lead of the run through the pack territory.
      Back at the pack house Kara was already up and dressed for the day. She decided to do a surprise visit to her brother.
      She sent a mind link to Caleb telling him where she will be before walking though the pack village. It had been so long since Kara had walked to the house. She took in the scene around her. The pups running in circles, playing tag. It was nice to see a mate pair on their porch looking over their youngsters. Kara could only hope she and Caleb can be like that someday.
      Arriving at her brother Chris house, a familiar sent caught her nose. She would know that sent anywhere. The only thought was why's is the sent here in the first place. Unlocking the door to the house Kara walked in on a scene she would rather not have.
"Oh my God Kara!"
     In shock of what Kara had just seen, she had quickly shut the house door giving them time to get dressed. Kara's was in disbelief. Her bestfriend and her brother together. Kara couldn't help but search her memory of all them being together in the same room, but came up empty to any signals.
"You can come in now," yelled her brother Chris.

     Waiting a few more moments Kara took a deep breath and went into the house.
The house still smelled of mating. Kara suggested that they take it out on the porch instead of in her old home. Leaving the door open for the pair to follow, Kara walked to the other side of the porch and took a seat in one of the 2 white lawn chairs.
Kara watched as Chris took a seat in the opposite chair, and Whalen jess thought she was going to stand against the side railing, Chris pulled Jess onto his lap. The three sat in silence as Kara's gaze was on them.
"Listen Kara, I'm so sorry...."
"Save it Jess. We did nothing wrong. Were mates. My little sister here should understand." Chris interupted.
         Kara was still unsure what she was going to say. She looked dumbfounded, but deep down she was trying to process that her bestfriend is her brothers mate.
        "When" came out of Kara's mouth, and the dam came down. Jess, being the chatty shelf she is started. From the fight at the school Chris came up to check in his sister but found out, she had left with Caleb. From the bond fire Jess kept away from Chris, but after the whole ordeal to almost loosing Kara, they felt like they owed it to themselves, to try.
"You think I would be mad? Do u know how long I waited to see my brother have his mate?"
"It wasn't only Jess, Kara. I wanted to get settled into the pack, before taking her as my mate."
         Kara felt hurt that she was kept out of the loop. She could see that Jess did not want to hurt her and that she meant well. She now knows that she and Jess will always be close.
Putting a bright smile one her face, Kara letting them know it was okay.
       Later that night Caleb took Kara off pack territory and into town for a night out. The ride to the restaurant was silent. When the car finally came to a stop, and both Caleb and Kara exited the vehicle. Caleb's arm cradled Kara's waist, pulling her in closer to him. In public they have to been seen as a united front.
Once giving the hostess his last name, the pair was led to a table in the middle of the restaurant. Caleb pulled out Kara's chair for her, before they both took a seat.
"This is really nice of you. I didn't expect it."
" We should get away from the seriousness of the pack a few times a month, And what's better than this?".
"I can think of a few things,"Kara said playfully remembering what happened on their first run together.
       Caleb was going to make a toast but held back when the waiter appeared. Introducing himself, and listing the food that was the days special.
      After halfway of reciting the specials Caleb interrupted the waiter telling him, " We will both have a T-bone steak with corn and mash potatoes, and to drink a bottle of white wine."
When the waiter left, I looked st Caleb with disbelief.
"He didn't get to finish listing off the specials,"
Kara put a sad look on her face when talking to Caleb, but he seen right through it and it made Kara laugh. It had been a while since he last heard the soft giggle from his mate.
      The conversation the two had while waiting for their food, never dyed down. Kara felt contempt. It was never a dull moment in their conversation. As the waiter came back he had thirty food in tow, and their wine in hand. Kara sat back, as the waiter distributed their food to each other before leaving them alone once again.
"Thank you for this,"
"No thanks needed. I should have done this a while ago."
      After dinner Caleb took Kara to the movies. Half way through kara leaned over and have him a kiss, which was a big mistake. The couple did not stay for the rest of the movie as Caleb came to his car he grabbed Kara around the waist and lifted her up on his black suv. Pulling her forward on the truck, Caleb captured her mouth with his. The kiss was hard and fast paced. It took Kara a back for a moment, before she kissed back. As Caleb swept his tongue into her mouth, he stroked over and over again. Needing a breath from the hot kiss, Kara pulled back.
    Before Kara could get a word out Caleb interrupted with; "That's how you end a date."
            I hope you enjoyed this Capter as much as I did. -Livi_Love

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