😴Waking up😯

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Kara's prov.

Waking up I found out that I was still in wolf form. My limbs were sore. Standing up on all fours I stretched out my small frame. Shaking out my matted fur, I yawned. I was smaller then most wolves but in a way that was good for me. I can easily take down my opponent. I may be small but I have fast reflexes.

Shifting back into my human fur I felt dirty. Although I am still really weak I do not like feeling dirty. I scanned the room for my suitcase, and did not see It no where in sight. I looked through the closet and all the new clothes I had bought were hanging up. Quickly pulling an outfit off of the hanger, I grabbed a towel off of the shelves and headed into the connected bathroom.

I was to tired to care what I looked like. Stripping naked, I hop in the shower. The water on my skin made my body feel so good. I was so relived to feel clean again. After thirty minutes of showering I stepped out and quickly got dressed. Wearing a long sleeve hooded pullover shirt with black and blue skinny jeans, my stomach rumbled. Not caring to dry my hair, I walk out of the bathroom, and then the room.

Descending the stairs there were many people noticed me but did not bother to look at me. Before I made it off the staircase, I eas stopped but the beta.

" It's good just to see you up and around but the alpha is a wanting a word with you." He 

Following the Beta through the how halls of the house we came to the ounces door my body shivered in disgust at the thought of being in the same Room as him taken a deep breath of air as I come to face-to-face with his office door before I could pull it fully prepare myself, to see him again the door opened. There he was close. Too close for my liking.

  Sighing, I felt Caleb's hand on my arm and I immediately whimpered. Even though I love his touch, I could not stand it on my body, and he quickly dropped his hand.

"What you did for the last 5 days, was irresponsible. You are now to stay by my side night and day until I say other wise.

'That's not fair. There is a reason why l left you. What did my brother have to say about this?"
He really didn't have to say anything. The look on his face gave me all the answers to my questions at that moment. He used his position over the pack to get me the stay with him again. I quite frankly did not have the energy to fight him any more.
Looking at the ground I could not bring my self to say anything. I just nodded and kept my head down.
Caleb and I sat there in his office silent. He was at his desk, with his head down and buried in a whole bunch of papers. I on the other hand was on the sofa building my own business. Caleb actually meant what he said to me, by saying at his side, at all times.
I was so deep in thought that I did not hear the knock at the door, but I heard when Caleb said

A young women that looked around my age, entered the room with a tray of food. Instead of taking it over to Caleb she actually put it in front of me. Taking the food tray from her I mutter a thank you, before she took her leave.
Looking at it, made my mouth water. Hamburger and fries. Eat, I heard Caleb say. When I did not make a move for the food, Caleb said It again, only this time; he used his alpha command, which I could not deny even if I tried.


Thank you for reading!!!! Hope you enjoyed it.


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