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Starting my day off, I headed to the kitchen for a quick meal. What I did not expect was the six females in the pack kitchen already cooking.

"Goodmorning Luna. The Alpha, has informed us that you will be helping cook tonight's dinner."

Of course he has said something to them already. Its not in his nature to keep something like this quite.

" Yes I am, but i was maybe wondering if we could have two separate dinners. I mean, I want to do something nice for Caleb."

"I don't see why not. What do you have in mind?"

After filling the pack females in on what I wanted to make tonight, for the pack and my mate, we has immediately l got busy. Feeding an entire pack is not easy.
I divided up the chores. A few of the females when outside to get the pit ready for the fresh deer meat, from last nights catch.
The rest of us got to work in the side items. Potato wedges, corn, green beans, rice. We cooked it all.
For my mate on the other had I went solo on making his meal considering no one here has ever made cheesy buffalo stuffed chicken breast.
It was one of my favorite meals and I was happy to make this meal.

Finishing up the kitchen I put the last few dishes in the dish rack.

"Luna you have to get ready for tonight. Dont worry about setting up the food, we have that."

"Are you sure, it's no problem for me."

With a quick shake of their heads, it was decided that I can take my leave to get ready for tonight.
Making my way to my room I mind link Jess, asking her to come over. Even though she did not respond, I went about the evening.

By the time is was dark out, I was prepared for dinner. My hair was styled in an up do ponytail, that seemed to bring out my outfit.
I believe it was a nice choice, not fo forward, and not to dull. As I was standing in the mirror to Caleb and my room, I was finishing up the last little details to my outfit. I wore a black high was waisted skirt with a blue blouse tucked in. To top it off I had added a set of long silver earrings, and for my feet I went basic with a pair of wedges.
Giving myself one last look over, I head out the room.
After I checked in with the kitchen staff, and they assured me everything was finished and ready to go, I went to go get the Caleb.

Making my way to Caleb's office I had to grab on to the wall, in a quick moment as his sent was so strong I got dizzy. After some time I was able to regain my sense, and stand on my own, without the wall. Before I could knock on his office door, Caleb done one step further. He opened the door and came rushing to my aid.

"Are you okay?'

"I'm fine.... how did you know?"

At my question, he looked down at my mate mark. My body shivered under his gaze.

"You can tell me is something is wrong." Caleb said with much concern edged into his face.

"Stop it. Your going to ruin dinner before it even starts." I growled.

His eyes softened. Letting the subject go. Taking his hand mine I walk him to the main dining hall.
As we were walking it hit me again. I knew Caleb would not let this go. Pushing the feeling back down, we enter the kitchen.

"Where is the pack?"

Playing it off, as I forgot I led Caleb through the back door.

The pack pups was having fun around the fire pit, as the adults sat back watching them, while enjoying a cooked meal. It was a beautiful night for this whole plan. The stars were out and the fire added light to the sky.

Guiding Caleb over to the platform, I had a table and chairs set up in advance.
"Tonight we are not eating what the pack is. Were having stuffed chicken breast."

Looking in awe, Caleb grabbed my face in his two hands a kissed me passionately. Making the kiss brief as possible I quickly took my seat.

"You look stunning tonight, and this meal looks delicious."

"Wait until you try it."

A while into eating dinner Caleb l, put down his fork and looks to me, and I mean really looks at me.

"Are you going to tell me what is bothering you."

"I'm fine, now eat up before it gets cold." I told him.

Picking through my chicken breast I eat the meat leading through the middle.

"Dammnit Kara, Can you stop acting like this and tell me what's wrong with you?"

"Why is it that you keep making drastic decisions without me?"

Taking a deep breath he started on about how he us an alpha, and he is just use to making demands and people following orders.

"But, I'm not just a pack mate. I'm your mate. The female alpha to all females if this pack, and those whom want to join. I am your equal. You should treat me that way."

"I will treat you that way, when you start acting like it."

Hmph. I shake my head to calm dow, this was an argument that I would not win. Suddenly I wasn't in the mood for being nice anymone. Getting up from the table I head over to the trash can to throughout the extra.

"What are you doing?" He asked me, coming to my side.

"I'm full," I say opening up the trash can to poor my food into it.

"You barely ate a bite"

"I'm full, I ate all I can."

With that being said I dump the food into the trash. I was planning to take my plate back into the pack house and wash it, but my body decided against. I was hit with another dizzy spell. This one was not like the previous two. The plate fell from my hands and shattered all over the platform. The shattered glass looked like snow crystals.
Caleb was by my side in a heartbeat.

"You're going to bed."

"I have to clean up this mess first," I say to Caleb.

"No arguing," With that he lifted me up, caring me bridal style in his arms.
"Put me down Caleb, I can walk all by myself." I frowned out.

"I know, but I'd rather have you safe in my arms."

As I was being carried, I started to lose sight. I tried with everything in me to stay awake. My body was so tired, that everything went black.

What's up readers!!!! I just wanted to say thank you for reading my short story book. It means so much to me.

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