Chapter One

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   Gulping I quickly looked down at my feet and then walked over to the bar. Ordering a shot of whiskey I just looked at it once the bartender set it down.  Holding it in my hand I looked back behind me to see that everyone was watching me. Great.

   Taking a sip of my drink I had to fight the urge to cough as it slid down my throat. How did people drink this shit? Either way I downed the rest of the drink and then ordered a second one. The bartender gave me an amused smile and then slid a second glass down to me. I reached out my hand when another, tattooed, hand caught it instead. Looking up I saw a very notorious pirate, Trafalgar Law: Captain of the Heart Pirates.

   My eyes must’ve dilated in fear because he immediately looked at them and smirked. “So what is someone of you social status doing here?” He asked. I shivered slightly at the sound of his voice. As usual there was his trademark grin on his lips.

“You still haven’t answered me.” He prompted.

“S-sorry… It’s just that today has been… a little daunting.”

“Really? Tell me all about it.”

“Why would you want to know about something so boring?”

“I’m bored, entertain me.”


   Just as I was about to say something an arm around my shoulders cut me off. Looking back my eyes widened to see the man from the carriage. He was grinning at me savagely and I knew that if I didn’t do something soon this would not end well.

“Hello there little mouse.”

“I… I mean… hi.”

He got a bit closer, “Do you realize how long I’ve been looking for you?”

“Oh, you’ve been looking for me?” reaching for my glass of whiskey Law wordlessly passed it to me.

“Now, why don’t we just go?”

“Hm… I don’t… think so!”

   Turning around I sloshed my drink forward and then sloshed it in his eyes. The man howled in pain and swung out blindly. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath because I knew that this was about to hurt like a bitch. However I heard the guy behind me screaming in pain instead.

   Looking back I saw that Law was in front of me with the hilt of his famous sword in hand. The guy that was my abductor was on the floor bleeding from his nose and mouth. I dared to look up at Law who was inspecting something on my face. I blushed slightly at he came closer to me; what was he looking at? Feeling his hands on the side of my face I flinched slightly which earned a chuckle. His thumb stroked the side of my cheek and then pressed down. A gasp of pain escaped my lips and soon enough he let go.

   He fastened a hand around my upper arm and then yanked me to my feet. I looked at him scared but he wasn’t looking at me. Instead he motioned to a bear in an orange jumpsuit. Once it got over to where we were Law tossed his Nodachi over into the bear’s arms and then we all began to make our way out of bar.

   I wordlessly followed them and stayed calm on the outside but on the inside I was freaking out. The pirates that my father was hunting on the sea were now taking me somewhere. I was so into my thoughts that I didn’t know that we had stopped. Smacking into Law’s back immediately I backed up, “I am so sorry! I didn’t mean to run into you, please forgive me!” I rambled.

   Just when I was about to beg for forgiveness again he put a finger to my lips and then leaned down to where he was about my height, “Do me a favor and shut up.” I nodded to him and then we walked until we made it to another bar. Grimacing I still just followed along; angering Law would most likely not be a smart move on my part. While I knew enough defensive moves to get myself out of most attacker situations I don’t think that they would apply to this situation.

Of Marines and Pirates (Trafalgar Law) (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now