Chapter Nine

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Rayne’s Pov

“Are you sure you don’t want some more rum?” Law smirked.

I groaned and slapped his hand away with the bottle of rum. I had a freaking horrible hangover at the moment and his constant joking since I’d woken up didn’t put me in the best mood. “Captain please shut up and go away…” I growled as Oz set a mug of some hangover remedy in front of me.

Law smirked wider, “Are you sure? If I remember correctly it was you that was all over me last night.” He leaned closer to my face.

I blushed and sat up quickly, “I did not!” I screeched but immediately regretted the horrible feeling slashing through my head. Groaning I took a draught of whatever Oz gave me before putting my head down on my arms.

“I beg to differ.” Law sipped from his coffee mug with a smirk on his face.

I rolled my eyes before taking a swig from my own mug. To say waking up this morning to being only in my understuffs and tangled up around Law as if my life depended on it produced quite an interesting morning. I couldn’t really remember the night before but I could tell that Law hadn’t really done anything to me to which I was grateful for. Though I did notice that Law was acting a bit strange. He got a really smug smirk on his face when he looked at me, even more smug than usual. Not to mention he was incredibly touchy feely.  I had no idea of what happened last night but I wondered if I should be worried.

Law’s arms wound around my waist and tugged me over into his lap. As he was tugging me over I managed to at least grab my mug. Glancing up at the idiot I noticed his smirk and tried not to blush, “Captain, is there any reason why you decided to drag me into your lap?”

He shrugged, “You looked lonely.”

“Uh-huh,” I rolled my eyes, “Well I think I’m alright since the rest of the crew is coming.” I went to slide off of his lap but Law wound an arm around me and held me in place. “C-captain!”

Law smirked in response and held on a bit tighter. A crimson blush coated my face as I looked down at my lap as the crew filed in and gradually fell silent when they looked at us. However Oz broke the tension as he slammed in and placed the last breakfast dish on the table. “Eat up!” He called loudly even though everyone was here. At the prospect of food everyone stopped looking at Law and I and dug in. Blushing horribly I dropped my head to look at my clenched hands in my lap. This was so embarrassing!

“What’s the matter Rayne? Aren’t you hungry?” Law asked as he lazily sipped his steaming mug of coffee.

I glared at him, “My appetite seemed to have left me.”

“I would eat anyways, you have a busy day today.”

My head tipped out of curiosity, “Oh? What do you mean?”

“I mean that you’re helping me in the infirmary today. I need an assistant and at least this way I can keep an eye on you so you don’t get into trouble.” He smirked.

My face began to get hot, “You bastard! You make it sound like I’m a little kid that needs to be watched!”

“With as much trouble as you get into I wouldn’t be surprised.”

I groaned and rolled my eyes, “Whatever, Law, whatever…” I immediately jumped when I realized I had called him by his name rather than this title.

However when he didn’t say anything about it I kept my head down and snatched up a roll. Biting into the buttery bread I did my best to ignore his smirk that I could feel burning into the back of my head. After a bit it was getting annoying so I half-way turned around and stuffed a piece of the roll I his mouth, “Quit it please.” I growled before turning around.

Of Marines and Pirates (Trafalgar Law) (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now