Chapter Five

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Honestly I really didn’t want to strip in front of Law at all. Unfortunately it looked like I didn’t have much of a choice. Law had that ‘no nonsense’ voice of his on and that meant I could either comply, comply, or comply. While Law got his gloves ready I slowly began to remove my clothes. I seriously had no wish at all to do this but of course Law didn’t give a shit.

Once I’d managed to unfortunately rid myself of my clothes I crossed my arms over my chest. The cold air in the room caused goose bumps to appear all over my skin by now. Law turned to look at me and I attempted to fight down the blush on my face. Of course Law had his usual smirk on his face while he instructed me to sit down on the examination table.

Sitting down I put my head down and tried to just think of myself anywhere else but where I was at. His hands grabbed my upper right arm gently as he moved it away from my chest to test my reach and I guess the bend of it. He reciprocated this with the next arm and then he was checking my head. 

He checked my ears much to my chagrin and then went toward my eyes.  He checked one and then the other before moving on through the rest of it and finally he got to where I really didn’t want him to see, my chest. Taking his stethoscope from around his neck he pressed the cold metal to my back while his other hand pressed against my chilled skin.  I hissed and attempted to shrug myself away from the criminally cold stethoscope. Unfortunately I ended up pressing closer into his warm hand placed on my chest.

Law’s smirk widened, “Easy, if I didn’t know any better I’d say you’d like to have to me do an inner physical as well.”

I wanted to smack him and scream every obscenity possible at him but I remembered what Oz had told me so I did my best to swallow my anger, “As much as I’m sure you would enjoy that I don’t think I’ll take you up on your remark.”

His smirk dropped, “Stand up Miss Rayne.”

I stood and waited as he checked the rest of me. Once he was done he turned to go and put his medical supplies up, “Can I put my clothes on now?”

“Yes, once you’re dressed go to the deck for your first training session with Bepo and Shachi.”

“Aye, aye Captain.”

                Giving him a salute in mock respect I then hightailed it out of the infirmary. The look on Law’s face earlier was priceless! It was almost as if he didn’t expect me to come back with a retort of my own, ha! Either way I mentally gloated over my victory as I made it to the deck. As expected Shachi and Bepo were waiting there for me. Shachi was busy twirling his knives while Bepo was just sitting against the rail of the sub calmly waiting.

“Sorry to be late. Law was doing a physical.” I stated as I stepped onto the deck.

“A physical eh? Tell me, was it nice?” Shachi insinuated.

I fought a blush, “Something tells me you’re jealous. I’m sure if you talk nicely to Law he’d show you exactly what he did to me.”

Now Shachi was the one who was blushing like mad, “Let’s just get started with the lesson…” Shachi muttered.

“What do you know about fighting?” Bepo inquired as he got to his feet.

I scrunched my face, “Well… absolutely nothing…”

Bepo and Shachi sighed, “Okay then… we’ll take it from the top. Today we’ll work on blocking and dodging.”

“But what about attacking?”

Shachi wagged a finger at me, “Think about this, how can you attack if you don’t know how to block? Think about it because if you are fighting someone who had a lot of experience. If you don’t know how to block and dodge their attacks then you’re done before you can even think to make an attack of your own.”

Of Marines and Pirates (Trafalgar Law) (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now