Chapter Seventeen

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Rayne’s Pov 

I yawn as I wake up. Law’s side of the bed is already empty, telling me he’s left me to sleep yet again. He’d been doing that a lot lately, I don’t know what to think about it. Sliding out of bed I pop my back and then pick up a pair of shorts and one of Law’s unused shirts to toss on. Once I’m dressed I head into the galley to see Law grinning over his steaming mug of coffee at Sam’s obvious discontent from his seat. I go over to him as I see Sam about to probably yell at Law. 

There were murmurs of a ‘good morning’ from the crewmates to which I happily gave them a good morning in return. As I near the table Law reaches out an arm and catches me around the waist. He drags me into his lap and resumed drinking his coffee with a smirk at the dark blush on my face. This is so embarrassing! I mean Sam and is right there. “Law, let me up please!” I whined.




“Laaawwwwwww!” I’m hoping to annoy him enough to let me up.

He leans down next to my ear, “Again, I told you to stay close right?” He whispers in my ear. 

“S’cuse me, but do I know you from somewhere? I mean I should think that I would remember your name.” Sam cuts in. 

I look over at Sam with a smile on my face, “I’m not surprised you don’t remember me that well, we only met once and that was sort of briefly. My name is Rayne.” I reply in a very light voice. I don’t know why but I’m feeling a bit smug that I’ve changed enough to where she doesn’t recognize me. 

Sam’s eyes widen, “Rayne as in… Rayne Akainu? Admiral Akainu’s daughter who went missing two years ago?”

A solemn air fell over me. I hadn’t thought about my father or my mother in I don’t know how long, “Yeah… I’m her…” 

“Your dad tore the seas apart for you, ya know?”

I nodded, “Yes, I remember. However I’m not about to go back home. I like this adventure. I like traveling to new places with Law and the crew and I wouldn’t give that up for anything.” 

“Speaking your opinion, a true pirate indeed. I approve of you, you chose well Law.” 

Law’s grin gains a slight sadistic feel to it as the shadows beneath his eyes darken, “I do believe I never needed your approval miss Sam.” 

Sam smirks, “Of course not, I’m just stating that she is a good companion and looks like she’s willing to put up with your shit more than I ever would.” 

Before Law could even reply Ace enters into the room. He placed a kiss on Sam’s temple as he sat down and buried himself in his food. I giggle behind my hand as Law blatantly grinned; the look Sam was giving Ace was hilarious. Sam glares at us to shut up before ducking as the idiot swung his glass into the air as the crew roared with laughter. 

I watch Sam straighten up and rolls her eyes at him. I open my mouth to ask her something when Law grips my chin firmly and brings my mouth to his. My eyes are wide but I can’t help it, his lips are amazing. I close my eyes and kiss him back for a moment before I realize that we are indeed within company and public. Breaking away from him I give Law a look before turning back around. I see everyone staring at me and my blush comes in full force, oh god… 

“You know, you didn’t have to go and do that to Sam.” I sigh as Sam and Ace prepare to leave the ship. They’d been here approximately three days but decided it was time to move on. 

Of Marines and Pirates (Trafalgar Law) (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now