Chapter Twenty-Six

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Law’s Pov

The scene is pure chaos. Originally Law had only arrived to force Rayne back onto his crew and then get the hell away but there were other things he was thinking of accomplishing. Of course when he’d heard that Ace had also been offed he knew that Sam would be insane with grief and most likely get herself killed.

Law is on high alert as the submarine breached the surface. All around the sounds of the battle ring deep in his ears. Now all he has to do is get that fucking idiot Buggy to give him strawhat and of course get Sam before they all get killed. Not to mention get his lover back. At the moment he's arguing with buggy to give him Strawhat while Shachi and Penguin were instructed to quickly get Sam and Ace and get on board in less than five minutes.

“Like I said before, who the hell are you?” Buggy yells.

Law is losing his patience, “Hurry! Get those two on board!”

“Captain, a marine is cutting around from the coast!” Bepo yells.

“Just give them to me now! Give it your best shot you hear?” Law orders in a last ditch attempt to get his patients from the blue haired clown.

Finally Buggy hurls the two at him, “Alright he’s all yours!”

“Grab him Jean Bart!” His crewmate did as told and luckily Shachi and Penguin were disappearing with a shell-shocked Sam and Ace’s corpse. “We’re diving now!”

Law waits for Bepo with a half-dead Luffy in his arms to get in the sub before he was going. However right now Kizaru is just yelling at him about Sabaody, attempting to bait Law into a fight. Unfortunately for him it was useless Law had an agenda. Briefly he thought of Rayne but at the moment not getting blown to bits was a bit more importnat.

Just as he's about to run down to dive Rayne arrives on board. She's bleeding horribly from an injury on her leg with her sword pointed at him. For a moment he's taken aback at how she looks. In fact he would've completely mistaken her for someone else except for her eyes and the fact that her hair color was growing out, showing the black underneath the redish brown. Law can only feel anger at the moment though as she kicks the door to the sub shut and once again has her sword pointed at him, “I’m sorry Law, but you’re not getting away with them.” She says, an odd tone in her voice.

“Captain!” Bepo screams from the other side of the door.

Law unsheathes his nodachi, “Bepo, prep Misters Ace, Luffy, and Jinbe for surgery. I’ll be there shortly.”

Rayne growls, narrowing her eyes, “Think you can get by me that easy? Law I’ve changed a lot, I’m not helpless or a screw up anymore!”

“Yet you joined the damned marines. Tell me, couldn’t stand to be away from daddy for so long? Do you even realize how long we were looking for you?”

She grins harshly, “Heh, sorry to say it but he won’t be coming around for a long time.”

“Room.” Without saying anything more Law shoots forward and their swords collide.

The shockwave produced from the two blades was enough to almost shove both of them back but the two are able to hold their ground. Rayne’s face is scrunched up in pain as her leg starts to weaken. Law, of course, notices this and smirks. Taking advantage of her weakness he begins to attack on her right side in an attempt to knock her off balance.

Unfortunately she was able to block and counter most of his attacks while dishing a few attacks of her own. Finally Law sheathes his sword. Obviously if he only attacked with his nodachi then this battle would never end. Rayne was right when she said that she’d gotten better. So now he would just have to rely on his devil fruit powers.

Of Marines and Pirates (Trafalgar Law) (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now