Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Rayne's Pov

"Law!" I scream from the infirmary. Within two seconds Law accompanied by Penguin and Shachi come into the room. Just in time to duck as Ace hurls a fireball at the doorway. 

I'd come by early again to check on Ace, as per Law's orders. Of course it was a shock to me when the Firefist actually woke up. Unfortunately with him waking up came along with fire being hurled at my face. I was so worried that he was going to melt a hole in the hull. 

"Everyone, go to hold him down!" Law orders as he dodges another fireball.

We all jump up and attempt to grab his arms. Unfortunately we had to jump back because of the fire coating his skin. Instead they held down his legs and I grabbed his head in my hands. "Ace! Ace listen to me! We're here to help you, it's me Rayne!"

"Get away!"

He aims one good hit and manages to catch me in the stomach. I gasp in pain as I hit the wall. Sliding down I crumple and attempt to get my breathing under control; I think he broke my stomach. Attempting to just focus on breathing I notice that Law has had to activate his devil fruit ability. Within seconds he's sliced Ace to harmless pieces. 

"Now Mr. Ace, I would calm down."

"Let me go you bastard! Where are they!" It's clear that he still thinks he's in the hands of the marines.

I stiffly get to my feet; I can see Law's fingers twitch, he's eager to 'operate' on Ace and kill him. Shuffling over I briefly touch Ace’s arm, the part that wasn’t actually flaming. He whips his head around and sees me, his posture relaxing somewhat. “Rayne! What are we doing here? What’s going on?”

“Ace, you’re safe. Marineford has been over for nearly two weeks. You’ve been on Law’s ship in his infirmary in that time.” I say gently, I don’t want him to freak out too much.

“What?” He looks like I’ve just told him I got rid of his puppy.

Law steps up and pushes me behind him, wary. “Mr. Ace, you’ve barely recovered. If you keep squirming around and causing trouble you’ll die. Permanently.”

“Where are they…” Ace croaks out, “What happened to Sam and Luffy?”

“They’re safe... I mean Luffy was pretty banged up but both of them are alive. As far as I know. Sam sailed off with her father just after Marineford.” I say over Law’s shoulder.


“She… Well Ace… don’t misunderstand.”

“Miss Sam thought you were dead.” Law cuts in, blunt as ever.

Ace falls silent and I step up to him, “That doesn’t mean she’s not alright. Trust me, you need to go and find her as soon as possible. I believe you’re going to be surprised when you find her.”


“Just trust me.”

Law steps in again with clearing his throat, “Your brother Mr. Strawhat is in the next care unit. If I were you I’d go and see him before he dies, ya?”

“Then put me back together.”

Law’s gaze darkens as he slams Ace’s body pieces against the wall. Ace grunts in pain and I grip Law’s shoulder tight, “Law, perhaps it would be a good idea not to kill our patient we went through so much to save.” I say gently.

Everything is frighteningly tense and I keep my hold on Law, tightening my grip even more in an attempt to get him to realize where we are and what’s going on. Law glares at Ace for a few more moments before he turns around and slips an arm around my waist. Heading toward the door he turns back to look at Ace, all humor gone from his face.

Of Marines and Pirates (Trafalgar Law) (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now