Chapter Thirteen

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Six months later

Rayne’s Pov

It’s been an interesting time being the girlfriend of the notorious supernova Trafalgar Law. As we’ve been sailing from island to island his fame, and ours, has grown. Now we’re even more notorious than before and he’s gained the title of supernova. I even gained my own bounty, I’m sure mom and dad are so proud (Sarcasm). Still, I have to say that my relationship with Law has definitely progressed into a different level. While I’m slowly getting used to him being especially touchy-feely however I don’t know if I’m ready to go all the way with him yet.

Stretching my arms high above my head I close my eyes and enjoy the warmth. We’re docked on a nice summer island. The last island we’d gone to had been a winter island, to which I froze my ass off on. I don’t think I left the submarine but a handful of times. During that time Law was happy enough to take the chance to have me in his lap nearly all the time. To this day he still teases me about that.

Leaning against the railing of the submarine I smile as I see Claire and Cyrus coming back from the town with a million bottles of alcohol in their arms as well as some new tools for the ship engines. They spot me and wave frantically while holding up a bottle of whiskey it looked like. I’m sure they’re asking me if I want a drink but I make a face and wave them off. Since that night I drunkenly asked Law if he ‘played for the other team’ I’d scaled the drinking waaaaaaaaaaayyy down. Of course this prompted yet another bout of teasing from Law, whatever.

The twins make it onto the sub chattering about some sort of new machine component they wanted to install on the engine when they maneuver over towards me, “Hi Rayne!” Claire says excitedly.

I smile at the two, “Hey Claire, Cyrus. What’s up?”

“We got a lot of alcohol, it was awesome to see that they were having a sale!” Cyrus jumps in on the conversation.

“Ah, well, I’m happy you guys got everything you wanted.”

“You should come drink with us sometime, I’m sure we could find some type of alcohol to suit your tastes.”

“Ah… that may never happen. I’m pretty lightweight when it comes to alcohol.” At their crestfallen faces I can’t help but cave a bit, they’re too innocent to be pirates sometimes, “Hm… well, maybe sometime I’ll drop by for a drink.”

Both the twin’s faces brightened, “Oh Rayne!” Claire shoves her bottles of alcohol onto her brother and rummages around in the pockets of her stained overalls, “We found this in town today. We snagged it because we thought you’d find it interesting.” She hands me a piece of folded up parchment.

I take it from her and unfold it.

It’s a picture of Law and I kissing, when did someone take this?

“The interesting part is on the back.” Claire says as she and Cyrus head toward the hatch.

I flip it over and my eyes widen, there scrawled in black ink was a message and it was addressed to me.

I will find you and drag you back.

What the hell?

Folding the piece of paper up I’ve just shoved it into my bra when Law stalks out onto the deck. His eyes lock onto my form and his mouth quirks at the sight of my hand down my shirt. Oh great, this was going to be good…

“If you were feeling so lonely then you could’ve come found me to keep you company.” He says as he struts up next to me.

I scowl at him, “It’s just a little hot out here and my bra was sticking to me.”

Of Marines and Pirates (Trafalgar Law) (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now