Chapter Four

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Rayne's Pov

Waking up used to be a pleasant experience for me but ever since I'd joined Law's crew that was not the case; this morning in particular. Everything would have been perfectly fine except for the fact that my body was tangled up with Laws. My head was on his chest and my right leg was thrown over his left hip, my foot resting on his thigh. His left arm was around my shoulders with his hand pressed into the middle of my back. His right one was resting dangerously close to my breasts.

Honestly I had no idea of how I would get out of this situation without waking Law up. If he did in fact wake up it was going to be a very awkward situation for me. I didn't want to explain to him that we had managed to get tangled up. Unfortunately it seemed that luck was not on my side. As I slid my head to look up at Law my gaze locked with his steely gray-silver eyes. Fuck... 

There was no getting out of the anguishing taunts the man was going to throw my way about this.

"If you're awake please get off."  I remarked.

"Why? It seemed like you were enjoying this so much earlier."

"I was asleep."

He smirked wider, "Your body still reacted."

"Again, I was asleep."

"Admit it, you want me."

I glared at him, "As if!"

"Oh really? Then why were you calling my name last night? Are you so desperate for my body that you have to dream about it? Just tell me now and I'll gladly give you  sex to dream about."

I flushed and vehemently shoved myself away from him. He hit the floor in surprise as I scrambled off the bed and into the bathroom. I slammed the door shut behind me with tearful eyes. Bracing the metal barrier with my back I sat on the floor. At the moment I absolutely hated Law. Obviously he had no idea that I was a complete virgin and that he had in fact taken my first kiss a few days earlier. Either way I was not about to come out of this bathroom until he was gone from the room. "Rayne, get out here now." He sounded pissed.

"I'm a bit busy!"

"Rayne I'm not playing! Get out here!"


"Excuse me?"

"I want Oz!"

A bang happened upon the door, "You don't get your way! Get out here!"

"No! I want Oz!"

A horrifying crash sounded on the other side of the metal door before I heard his footsteps fading. Tears finally fell from my eyes, I didn't realize how scared I actually was. Law and I didn't get along, that was an understatement, however I don't get why he had to say all of those things to me. It seemed like we would have an okay moment and then it would go downhill. What happened to the guy that had saved me those few days ago? He turned from an alternative prince charming to a complete monster.

A moment later there was a knock on the door, "Lass, ya in there?" Oz asked.

Unlocking the door I stood in front of the exasperated cook, "Hi..."

"Lass, what did ya an' captain have a fall out on now?"

"He was rude..."

"He's a pirate!"

"That's not an excuse! He started to joke about me wanting him!"

Oz took a deep, calming breath, "Sweetheart... he's a pirate. He's male. He's gonna make lewd jokes often!"

Of Marines and Pirates (Trafalgar Law) (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now