Chapter Three

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When I came to, whenever that was, I felt cold on my back and that was enough of a clue to know that Law was already gone. Sitting up I yawned my sleep away before rubbing my eyes. Taking a moment to get my wits about me I slid out of the bed and went into the bathroom. 

Turning on the shower I waited for it to get hot while fetching my toothbrush. Scrubbing down my teeth I began to count the bland beige tiles lining the bathroom walls. However steam from the shower alerted me that it was ready. Slipping into the shower stall I sighed in happiness at the hot water pelting my skin.

"Rayne-ya, it would be very much appreciated if you would hurry up with your shower so everyone could eat." Law's voice dawdled out over the hiss of the shower head.

I screamed in shock slipping in the shower, "Damn!" I hissed when I noticed a small amount of blood flowing from my cut ankle.

"Did you hurt yourself?"

"No." I sniffed.

"Get out of the shower so I can look at your injury Rayne-ya."

"Let me get dressed first."

"I should treat your injury first."

"But I'm not wearing anything!"

"I am your captain, don't backtalk me.  As the doctor of this ship I am responsible for the crew's wellbeing. So I'm ordering you to get your ass out here so I can look at it and then go eat."

Shutting off the water I blushed, "Can you at least throw me my towel?" I asked in a small voice.


The tone of his voice was commanding which meant he wasn't joking about or leaving any room for discussion anymore. "J-just get me a towel!"

The curtain ripped back revealing a very pissed off Law. I flattened myself back against the tiled wall forgetting all about modesty. That look, he was not kidding around. Reaching forward he snatched me up by my arm, tugging me out of the shower close to him. Those grey eyes burned into my own.

"Do not order me around." 

His grip tightened on my arm, making me cry out. He's a monster, what did I get myself into? A towel was tossed at me as I sat down on the toilet. Giving me a stern stare Law turned around to find some medical supplies. Grabbing out the medical kit he turned back around and sat it on the counter next to the toilet.

"If I give you an order I expect you to follow it immediately. I don't just issue about orders to hear myself talk! When I tell you to do something then you'd better do it. I won't warn you again. Next time it'll be punishment." Law lectured in a clipped tone. I bent my head down and allowed him to kneel and take hold of my injured ankle. I winced but managed to hold my squeal of pain in; I wasn't about to scream out in pain in front of him in the mood he was in right now. 

The doctor was quick about putting antiseptic on the cut before bandaging it up and finishing it off with a neat bow. "Be careful of this for a few days. Now get dressed and get to the galley... we'll be waiting." Law said in a less angry tone as he packed up his supplies and left the bathroom.

I waited for the sound of the door slamming shut before I let the tears fall. Curling up into a ball sobs wracked my body. I don't know what I was thinking, joining this crew. Law was no joke, what did I think was going to happen by joining his crew, that I would do no wrong and he'd love me and make me his first mate? Wiping my eyes I sniffled, sitting here crying wasn't going to do me any good. If I wanted to survive here I needed to toughen up. Grabbing out a pair of dark shorts and a three-fourths length orange shirt from my things I quickly tossed them on. 

Of Marines and Pirates (Trafalgar Law) (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now