Chapter Twenty-Five

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Rayne's Pov

My mind is racing at a million miles an hour. I can't believe that he's able to figure it out. Now I'm almost certain that Mihawk is behind this. When father saw me before he had no idea that I was a girl. In fact he treated me exactly like a boy. 

Kizaru jumps in, "What are you talking about Akainu? This is my nephew, Jaden."

"No, this is my daughter. I think I would know that much."

"You're delusional."

"No!" My father stands up and pulls me behind him, "You're the one that's delusional! This is my daughter and I know that you've done something to her." He then throws a look behind himself at me, "Rayne... are you alright?"

I swallow, do dare go down this road? It's then that I go back to thinking about what Mihawk said to me. Whatever, it all ends today anyways, "Thank you daddy, I knew you'd figure it out." I say in my regular pitch voice. 

Yeah, when I said all hell would break loose, I didn't think that it would be between my father and Kizaru. However my father launches himself at Kizaru, his fist pure magma. I get pushed back into Aokiji. He catches me around the shoulders to steady me, his grip tight. My father and Kizaru go tumbling off from the platform all of us were on and I can't even scream at the moment, I'm too shocked. 

"So Mihawk was right." Aokiji murmurs.

I whip around, "He told you all?"

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"He was threatening to kill the people I love and I didn't want to call his bluff in case I was wrong."

Aokiji gets up and places a hand on my shoulder, "Don't worry, we'll sort it out." He then jumps off of the platform after the other two. It's really amazing that he likes me at all considering the fac that he detests my father. 

As I turn back to Sengoku and Ace I'm shocked to see that Whitebeard has finally arrived. Peering down I see that Marco the Phoenix and Sam were beside him. I'm partially shocked to see her here, but I'm glad she's doing alright.

Ace's eyes lock with Sam's and the two just stared at one other as though the world didn’t exist for the moment.  Every fiber in my body was telling me to get away from here before it's too late but I can't seem to move. Ace then looks toward Pops and speaks, “Pops… guys… I set out on this even though you all thought it wasn’t a good idea so… why didn’t you just leave me behind?! My own cockiness got me into this mess in the first place!” He cries out emotionally.

Pops of course surprised us all, “Nah, I told you to go in the first place.” He replied nonchalantly.

“Liar! Don’t screw around with me! You stopped me back then, but I still…”

“I told ya to go. Isn’t that right, Marco?”

Marco nods, “Yup, I heard you say that. Thanks for causing us a lot of trouble Ace! I mean poor Sam here has been distraught and emotional the entire freaking time since she came back to us!”

“Not true!” I hear Sam yell as she smacks Marco in the stomach lightly to emphasize her point.

“Ahem… besides everyone knows… What’s gonna happen to them if they lay a single finger on one of our crewmates! We won’t let it slide that they hurt you, we’ll put them in the ground. Just you wait, we’re gonna save you!” Marco finishes.

Ace’s face showed the emotion he felt and I almost cried too just seeing him like that. I'm so used to see Ace as a confident guy who had it all figured out, this was killing me, knowing how torn up he was. Whitebeard began to laugh as I saw Sam and the others prepare to fight. Marco tenses next to Sam and his face shows determination. My eyes widen however at the huge tsunami coming my way.

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