Chapter Ten

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Law’s Pov

The pirate captain paces back and forth in his office. It’d been a few hours since the battle with Eustass kid had taken place. At first Law was pleased to see them turn tail and run. However it was as he was going to get Rayne that Law realized why they’d left.

They took her, they fucking took Rayne from right under his nose.

Slamming his door shut Law storms down the hallway, death on his heels. Brushing past the infirmary where Penguin and Shachi are doing their best to tend to all of the injuries. Law doesn’t spare them a glance as he ascends up to the navigation room. Kicking the door open he steps into the room, all eyes are trained on him. He walks right up to Tema, who has a worried look on his face.

“Get a lock on the Kid Pirate’s ship.” He orders.

“Uh, not that I won’t but can I ask why?”

“They’ve taken Miss Rayne.”

Tema’s eyes nearly pop out of his head and the rest of the navigation room falls silent, “Wh-what?”

“Do I need to repeat myself?” Law’s tone is dangerous.

“O-of course not! All of you, let’s go and find that ship!” Tema turns to the rest of the navigators, “Come on now, we’ve got work to do!”

Law narrows his eyes out at the sea before turning around and going out onto the deck. Anger is practically rolling off of him. How dare Kid take Rayne. When they caught up with that ship Law was going to raze it to the ground and sink it to the seafloor with Kid and his bastard crew in it. If she was harmed, so help them-


Law doesn’t realize how hard he’s holding onto the railing, his knuckles are white with strain, “Being here right now isn’t a good idea Bepo.”

“We’re worried about you Captain.”

Law says nothing, for once a smirk absent from his face. He was worried for Rayne, more worried than he should be.

“Captain, you care for her. When are you going to tell her?”

“Bepo.” He hisses.

“You smell sweet whenever you’re around her captain and she has the exact same scent but only with you. Please stop lying to us, it’s not working.”

“It’s not that simple.” Law mutters.

“It could be captain.”

“Leave.” He was done talking about this.

He was Trafalgar Law, the Doctor of Death, not some lovesick fool. He wasn’t going to admit that he had feelings for her; he couldn’t. First things first, he would get her back and dice Eustass Kid up while he’s at it. He would make that bastard pay and he’d do it in the most painful way; he’d operate.

Rayne’s Pov

I hiss in annoyance as another knick is cut into my thumbs. It’s been three weeks on this damn ship and all I’d one in that time is kitchen work. At first the job those bastards stuck me with the job of washing dishes, which didn’t go well. So Kid decided it was better to put me on peeling potatoes, as though that’s any better. As it stands right now I’ve managed to cut my thumb a million fricken times with the knife. I was beginning to worry about cutting my thumb off altogether.

“Hey, get back to work wench!” The head chef, Trice, kicks my leg.

“Ow! Give me a minute you bastard!”

Of Marines and Pirates (Trafalgar Law) (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now