Chapter Eleven

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Rayne’s Pov

I sigh as I grab onto a brush and begin to scrub the deck down again. Killer sits in the shade watching me, as he has for the past hour and a half. Despite me being a new ‘crewmember’ they still treated me more like a scullery maid. At this rate I’ll scrub my fingers off before ‘Captain’ Kid is happy with this deck. Hell, he’ll probably never be happy with this deck. Blood is practically stained into the wooden slats. Scrapes and scratches litter the entire expanse of the deck and I think someone’s guts are stuck to the very edge of the ship.

As I lean back and wipe the sweat from my forehead Killer latches a hand onto my collar and pulls me back. I yell in surprise as I’m dragged down the hallway to Kid’s office. Killer kicks the door open. Kid looks up looking very perturbed,

“The marines have-.”

There’s a huge explosion and I’m tossed against the window of Kid’s office. The impact is so great that the glass shatters and I’m pitched into the ocean. Salty water encloses over my head as the shock of the cool temperature envelopes my body. It’s a good thing I don’t have devil fruit powers or else I’d be gone right now. Regaining my senses I start swimming toward the top.

My head breaks the surface and I take large gulps of air. Looking around I hurriedly swim out of the way of a cannon ball that’s headed in my direction; a battle is in full force. The Kid pirates are fighting with a group of marines. All around blood is being spilled and cannon balls rip into each other’s ships. It’s insane.

What should I do?

I mean I don’t want to go back onto Kid’s ship but they’re probably a better option than dealing with the marines. They would take me back to my parents and they’d lock me up until I died. This really is a no win situation.

Luckily or unluckily the decision was made for me.

Two hands snatch me out of the water. I scream in surprise and try to fight whoever it was off but I wasn’t at the right angle to do so. The person wraps two strong arms around me and I’m able then to look back to see who it was. Yes, I was unlucky because the person who grabbed hold of me was none other than James Kizaru.

He smiles at me, “I’ve finally found you. Don’t worry you’re safe.” He says.

No, no I wasn’t safe. “Get away from me!” I struggle in his grasp.

“Rayne, I don’t know what that pirate Trafalgar Law has done to you but you’re safe and sound, I’m here to protect you and take you home.”

“No! Let me go! I don’t want to go home!” I yell louder and manage to kick him in the shin.

James drops me with a curse. Taking that momentary opening I shoot forward and head toward the edge of the small raft he’d pulled me onto. Behind me I can hear James’s heavy footsteps. He’s hot on my trail and if I don’t hurry it up then things are going to go bad for me. Ducking as James makes a swipe at me I vault myself over the railings and back into the sea.

Law’s Pov

The submarine surfaces into the middle of hell. Law grins as he notices that the Kid pirates are fending off a large squadron of marines. Looks like they’ll have one more problem in a minute, that automatically puts Law in a better mood. Standing up, he motions for the intercom, “Alright, everyone prepare for battle. Aim for the Kid pirates but if a marine gets in your way take them down. Remember, our mission here in to get Rayne, if you find her grab her and we’ll get the hell out of here.”

Law slams the intercom down and shoulders his nodachi. It was time to make an appearance. As he walks toward the deck Bepo follows behind his captain faithfully. Law feels the anticipation all the way to his fingertips; he wants Rayne back and he wants her bad. After this was all over the pirate captain was going to tie her wrist to his for all of eternity to keep this from happening again.

Of Marines and Pirates (Trafalgar Law) (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now